org-chef icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
org-chef copied to clipboard

A package for making a cookbook and managing recipes with org-mode.


  • Introduction

    =org-chef= is a package for managing recipes in org-mode. One of the main features is that it can automatically extract recipes from websites like

  • Installation

    =org-chef= is available on MELPA!

    I manage my packages via [[][use-package]]. I have added this to my ~.emacs~ file to install =org-chef=:

    #+BEGIN_SRC elisp (require 'package) (add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . "") t)

    (require 'use-package)

    (use-package org-chef :ensure t) #+END_SRC

  • Org-Capture

    It's recommended that you set up an org-capture template to capture recipes. Here is an example of that:

    #+BEGIN_SRC lisp (setq org-capture-templates '(("c" "Cookbook" entry (file "~/org/") "%(org-chef-get-recipe-from-url)" :empty-lines 1) ("m" "Manual Cookbook" entry (file "~/org/") "* %^{Recipe title: }\n :PROPERTIES:\n :source-url:\n :servings:\n :prep-time:\n :cook-time:\n :ready-in:\n :END:\n** Ingredients\n %?\n** Directions\n\n"))) #+END_SRC

    When capturing to the cookbook it will prompt you for a URL, you can then paste a URL like the following into the mini-buffer, and it will fill in as many details as it can. Here is an example recipe:

    Which will be extracted to something like the following:

    #+BEGIN_SRC org ,* Homemade Black Bean Veggie Burgers :PROPERTIES: :source-url: :servings: 4 :prep-time: 15 m :cook-time: 20 m :ready-in: 35 m :END: ,** Ingredients

     - 1 (16 ounce) can black beans, drained and rinsed
     - 1/2 green bell pepper, cut into 2 inch pieces
     - 1/2 onion, cut into wedges
     - 3 cloves garlic, peeled
     - 1 egg
     - 1 tablespoon chili powder
     - 1 tablespoon cumin
     - 1 teaspoon Thai chili sauce or hot sauce
     - 1/2 cup bread crumbs

    ,** Directions

     1. If grilling, preheat an outdoor grill for high heat, and lightly oil a sheet of aluminum foil. If baking, preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C), and lightly oil a baking sheet.
     2. In a medium bowl, mash black beans with a fork until thick and pasty.
     3. In a food processor, finely chop bell pepper, onion, and garlic. Then stir into mashed beans.
     4. In a small bowl, stir together egg, chili powder, cumin, and chili sauce.
     5. Stir the egg mixture into the mashed beans. Mix in bread crumbs until the mixture is sticky and holds together. Divide mixture into four patties.
     6. If grilling, place patties on foil, and grill about 8 minutes on each side. If baking, place patties on baking sheet, and bake about 10 minutes on each side.


    Additionally, there is a capture template in there for manually entering a recipe, if you so desire!

  • Inserting at Point

    You can also insert a recipe at point using the command ~org-chef-insert-recipe~.

  • Editing recipes

    You can change the number of servings in a recipe using the command ~org-chef-edit-servings~. This will automatically update the ingredients list to match.

  • Supported Sites

    The following websites should support recipe extraction:

    • (french)
    • (下厨房 Chinese)
    • Any recipe site based on wordpress
    • Any recipe site with embedded [[][JSON-LD]]
  • Contributing

    Contributions are very welcome! Feel free to open pull requests and issues (and feel free to include a recipe that you like in it!)

    If you find a site that you like that doesn't currently work with =org-chef=, then you should definitely let us know through a GitHub issue! =org-chef='s goal is to support as many sites as possible, so missing websites are considered bugs!

    Additionally, there is a #org-chef channel on freenode that you're welcome to join. Share recipes, give each other =org-chef= tips, be happy :).