android-openGL-canvas copied to clipboard
Cannot create GL program: 0
Hey there i get Cannot create GL program: 0
at drawBitmap
override fun onGLDraw(canvas: ICanvasGL?) {
Log.d("framework", canvas.toString())
if (canvas != null) {
this.canvas = canvas
Thread {
while (mIn == null) { Log.d("null", "null")}
try {
val bm = mIn!!.readMjpegFrame()
canvas.drawBitmap(bm, 0, 0)
} catch (e: IOException) {
The drawBitmap cannot be called in another threat but only in the thread in onGLDraw
Well thats a problem, i cant use the main thread for network stuff
Well thats a problem, i cant use the main thread for network stuff
Then the bitmap should be ready from other thread before it is passed to this TextureView
Its based from a inputstream from a website... But i think i got an idea, i will try that in 10h or so because i have to sleep now.
thank you for the fast Response!
Sofar so good, except it overlays everything
What view do you use? GlSurfaceView or GlTextureView
self made view for now
can you provide a methode for updating the picture? because i tried Thread.sleep in a while loop and it crashes
Maybe you need to learn something about Android UI thread or Handler. It is a little hard to explain Thread.sleep should not be called here.
can i somehow get the GL Thread?
okay so i get the errmor message again, but this time from the same thread
class MjpegView : GLView {
private var thread: Thread? = null
private var mIn: MjpegInputStream? = null
private var bitMap: Bitmap? = null
private var canvas: ICanvasGL? = null
private var glThread: Thread? =null
private fun init(context: Context) {
isFocusable = true
fun startPlayback() {
if (mIn != null) {
thread = Thread {
while (!Thread.interrupted()) {
bitMap = mIn?.readMjpegFrame()
Log.d("GLThread", glThread?.id.toString())
glThread?.run {
canvas?.drawBitmap(bitMap, 0, 0) //ERROR
Log.d("stream", mIn.toString())
fun stopPlayback() {
constructor(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet?) : super(context, attrs) {
override fun onGLDraw(canvas: ICanvasGL?) {
glThread = Thread.currentThread()
Log.d("GLThread1", Thread.currentThread().id.toString())
if(canvas != null) {
this.canvas = canvas
constructor(context: Context) : super(context) {
fun setSource(source: MjpegInputStream?) {
mIn = source
companion object {
okay so i get the errmor message again, but this time from the same thread
class MjpegView : GLView { private var thread: Thread? = null private var mIn: MjpegInputStream? = null private var bitMap: Bitmap? = null private var canvas: ICanvasGL? = null private var glThread: Thread? =null private fun init(context: Context) { isFocusable = true } fun startPlayback() { if (mIn != null) { thread = Thread { while (!Thread.interrupted()) { bitMap = mIn?.readMjpegFrame() Log.d("GLThread", glThread?.id.toString()) glThread?.run { canvas?.drawBitmap(bitMap, 0, 0) //ERROR } Thread.sleep(1000) } } Log.d("stream", mIn.toString()) thread?.start() } } fun stopPlayback() { thread?.interrupt() } constructor(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet?) : super(context, attrs) { init(context) } override fun onGLDraw(canvas: ICanvasGL?) { glThread = Thread.currentThread() Log.d("GLThread1", Thread.currentThread().id.toString()) if(canvas != null) { this.canvas = canvas } } constructor(context: Context) : super(context) { init(context) } fun setSource(source: MjpegInputStream?) { mIn = source } companion object { } }
Emmm.. You can try to get your bitmap outside your MyGLView and then set the Bitmap to MyGLView. After the bitmap set, you can call MyGLView.requestRender to trigger onGLDraw. The reqeustRender is inherited from GLSurfaceView.
Can you provide a example? Would be great
Can you provide a example? Would be great
val view = MjpegView()
fun startPlayback() {
Thread {
val bitmap = readBitmap()
view.mBitmap = bitmap
And in MjpegView
class MjpegView : GLView {
var mBitmap = null
fun onGLDraw() {
mBitmap?.let {
Thanks alot,
I will try it later
How can i prevent it that it shows over everything?
okay it doesnt work very well, it crashes after some Time and the latency is crazy high
i have a active Input Stream
okay it doesnt work very well, it crashes after some Time and the latency is crazy high
Can you reused the first Bitmap to avoid creating Bitmap object continuously? And you can use canvasGL.invalidateContent() to notify the Bitmap updated.
I dont know how i reuse a bitmap