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block desings (random effects) in PERMANOVAs
Hello, I am working in an experiment with several experimental blocks (different soil plots were we replicate the same treatments). I therefore need to include the term “block” in the PERMANOVA models (like a random effect, not like fix factor). Following the help command of adonis2 function in R, it seems the term “strata” is what I need. What about Microeco, is the term “group” in trans_beta$cal_manova passed to "strata" in adonis2? I tried but apparently the function trans_beta$cal_manova is ignoring whatever I specify in “group”. What is the best way to consider these blocks design in permanovas? Thanks!! jose
Hello again, I think I found the solution myself, just want to confirm this is not wrong. Apparently, I can pass adonis2 parameters to the function cal_manova (microeco). For example:
beta_Bray_16S$cal_manova( manova_set = "Site + N + P", by = "terms", strata = dataset_16S$sample_table$Block, permutations = 999 ) where: "beta_Bray_16S" is the distance matrix of the microeco object "dataset_16S" "Site + N + P" is the formula I want to test "by" and "strata" are parameters of vegan::adonis2 function and "dataset_16S$sample_table$Block" is the metadata column of my microeco object that contains the block factor.
Correct? Thanks, your suggestions are very appreciated. jose
Hi jose,
Yes. You are right. All the parameters not found by cal_manova function will pass to adonis2 function. Please use beta_Bray_16S$res_manova
to check your result.
Best, Chi
Hello Chi, Thanks for implementing the function in this way. It is very flexible. Great. Best, jose