
Results 59 comments of Ivan

> that would be a BC break for the ecosystem Why? The groups are supposed to be optional and the installed package i.e. `behat/mink` would not be even aware that...

> My understanding of this is that you should format like this That's how we work around right now. But this kind of formatting does not look well.

Yes, but the rule (_DelimiterSpacing_) has no configuration options to change that behavior. So besides the Ruleset we will have to develop a new Rule for that.

I am not quite familiar with Twig lexer. So I think it ls better to leave this for you. Thanks.

I was about to file the same issue. It seems natural that explicit autowiring through `\DI\autowire()` does not depend on global `useAutowiring` option.

Here is a one-line patch that resolves the issue for me. It can be applied with [composer-patches](https://github.com/cweagans/composer-patches). [PHP-DI-explicit-autowiring.zip](https://github.com/PHP-DI/PHP-DI/files/5780780/PHP-DI-explicit-autowiring.zip)


The use case for this command seems very narrow and workaround is trivial. ``` drush ev '\Drupal::service("lock")->release("cron");' ```

The option to reduce the PHAR size is using compactors. https://github.com/box-project/box/blob/master/doc/configuration.md#compactors-compactors