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Remove toString() implementation from Kotlin data classes


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Kotlin compiler plugin, that removes toString(), equals(any: Any) and hashCode() functions from your data classes.


Kotlin is cool and data class are cool. But sometimes we overuse them in places where we actually do not need to. So the question is what is a price of using data classes when we actually do not need them? To answer this question I decide to explore edge case situation when we consider all data classes in a project as useless and replaceable with simple classes. After applying this compiler plugin we should see the price (APK size) which we pay for using data classes.


buildscript {
    repositories {
        maven { url '' }
    dependencies {
        classpath 'com.cherryperry.nostrings:gradle-plugin:VERSION'

repositories {
    maven { url '' }

apply plugin: 'com.cherryperry.nostrings'

dataClassNoString {
    enabled = true / false
    removeAll = true / false // Remove everything or toString() only

Compile your app and compare the results by using diffuse.

You should see the difference in dex size, method and string count.