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[ECCV 2022] Prediction-Guided Distillation for Dense Object Detection
Thanks for your great work. And if you could release the models, it will be more convenient to follow your work.
Please,if ZSH is not installed on my terminal,I mean,I can't use the ZSH statement,may I ask what input statement should be used for doing COCO experiment?
Hello, thanks for sharing your excellent work on detection distillation. There are some codes that confuse me a little. There is an unsqueeze operation at line 75 of distillation/losses/, `Mask_fg...
Thank you for your amazing paper. I have read your paper. You said that PGD keep top-K regions with highest quality score. As my understanding, for each ground-truth box, we...
Did you try any experiments of PGD with coupled head? In this case we don't seperated classification and regression head. I want to apply your method to my model with...
I prepared a custom coco dataset, and successfully trained a teacher model and a student model. here are their performance: ```text # teacher # saved to work_dirs/atss_r50_1x_TaiZhou/epoch_last.pth bbox_mAP: 0.4180, bbox_mAP_50:...