Kaggle_The_Hunt_for_Prohibited_Content copied to clipboard
4th Place Solution for The Hunt for Prohibited Content Competition on Kaggle (http://www.kaggle.com/c/avito-prohibited-content)
Kaggle's The Hunt for Prohibited Content Competition
This repo holds the code I used to make submision to Kaggle's The Hunt for Prohibited Content Competition. The score using this implementation is 0.98527, ranking 4th out of 289 teams. (That entry is placed in ./Submission
I initally entered this competition to familiarize myself with VW and Linux & Shell (I used to be a Windows user). So the code provided here might not be as efficient and elegant as they can be.
- It uses LR to build classifier on a bunch of features including
- BOW/Tf-idf 1/2gram features of the title, description, attributes, etc.
- All the raw features such as category, subcategory, price, etc.
- Some cross-features between the above features, such as subcategory & price, etc seem to help a lot.
I initally trained on the whole dataset, and later found some imporvement by ensembling ranking predicitions from a model using only is_proven bloced ads and unblockded ads.
I have tried all the cost functions provided in VW, i.e., log-loss, hinge loss, squared loss, and quantile loss, but found log-loss give consistently better results. Ensemble models from different loss doesn't seem to buy me anything.
Code layout
- Main functions
: run everything in one shot -
: perform grid search and bagging (called byrun_all.sh
) -
: generate VW format training and testing data (called byrun_all.sh
) -
: generate final bagging submission (called byrun_all.sh
- Helper functions
: convert VW format prediction to Kaggle submission -
: convert training data to importance weighted one (used in grid search for the best sample weights) -
: generate bootstrap samples (used in bagging) -
: compute AP@k (used in grid search) -
: construct n-gram
- Vowpal Wabbit: I used the latest version of VW for all the traininng.
- gensim: I used gensim for extracting tf-idf features.
- download data from the competition website and put all the data into
dir - put all the code into
dir: - run
bash ./Python/run_all.sh
to create csv submission to Kaggle.
- It seems promissing to train seperate model for each category as discussed here.
- Semi-supervised learning (SSL) is shown to be useful for the winning team. The idea of SSL is also exploited in another competition: Kaggles' Greek Media Monitoring Multilabel Classification (WISE 2014) as shown here.