Sooraj S
Sooraj S
Which compositor are you using @Gigas002 ?
I'm using sway. Alright, I have a patch that solves this. The existing code destroys the layer_shell object instead of the layer_surface objects, destroying *only* layer_surface objects seems to solve...
There's already a CLI UX rewrite in the freeze-feat branch slated for merge. Some of these concerns have been addressed there so it may be better to build off that.
Also the `tee` tool exists precisely for this functionality. Piping stdout to it seems to me the more UNIX-ey solution.
Reading the protocol, it seems that *unmapping* the layer shell surface by committing a null buffer to it is necessary before destruction. Have tested this on sway, river and Hyprland....
Yes, freeze feat with clipboard is unusable on some compositors without this. Up to you if you want it merge it as it is or want to wait fot the...
This chnage you requested @Shinyzenith
On further investigation, it appears that every encoding but .ppm is successfully detected. This is likely an issue with tree_magic_mini, the library used for mimetype autodetection which gives "application/octet-stream" for...