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Python cheatsheet
Python Cheatsheet
Table of Content
- Main
Basic and necessary commands needed to execute a well-defined python code at the command line.
- Opening a python shell.
- Installing a package
- Running a python script
- Calculating the time of execution
- Importing a py script
Getting started with the language
- Basic I/O
- Variables and Constants
- Conditional Statements
- Iterative statements
- String formatting
- Function Call
- Function as Object
- Nested Function
- Lambda
Data Structures
- Lists
- Dictionaries
- Changing Tuple Values
- Creating tuple with one item
- Deleting a tuple
- Data Structures in Pandas
Errors and Exceptions
- Exceptions
Python Snippets
- Anagrams
- Memory
- Print a string N times
- Chunk
- Get vowels
- Length of Last Word in a string
- Valid Palindrome
- Check Lowercase
- Count Negatives in a sorted Matrix
- Write to file
- Median of given array
- Even or Odd
- Palindrome
if __name__ == '__main__': # If file is not imported, this will be executed
Basic and necessary commands needed to execute a well-defined python code at the command line.
Opening a python shell.
$ python3
Installing a package
$ pip3 install <package-name>
Running a python script
$ python3 <filename>.py
Calculating the time of execution
$ time python3 <filename>.py
Importing a py script
import <filename>
Getting started with the language
Basic I/O
- Input
input("Input: ")
- Output Python automatically points the cursor to a new line. We need not specify explicitly.
Variables and Constants
In python, we need not specify the datatype of a variable. The interpreter interprets the value and assigns a suitabe datatype for that.
number = 0
org = "GitHub"
Conditional Statements
In python, we do not write a block of code in a pair of paranthesis.
We write it after :
followed by an indentation in the next line.
The conditional statements include if
, if-else
, nested if
and so on...
x,y = 0,1
if x < y:
print("x is less than y")
print("x is not less than y")
Note that the colon (:) following nested if
also works.
Iterative statements
As other programming languages, we have
for loop
for i in range(5):
The range
function starts off with 0 till the number(excluded).
while loop
while(i < 10):
print("{} is less than 10".format(i))
i += 1
String formatting
There are a few ways to format a string in Python.
- Using the
operator Strings can be formatted using the % operator:
>>> foo = 'world'
>>> 'Hello %s' % foo
'Hello world'
To subsitute multiple instances, wrap the right hand side in a Tuple:
>>> foo = 'James'
>>> bar = 'Nancy'
>>> 'Hi, my name is %s and this is %s' % (foo, bar)
'Hi, my name is James and this is Nancy'
You can also do variable subsitutions with a dictionary:
>>> dict = { "name": "Mike", "country": "Canada" }
>>> 'I am %(name)s and I am from %(country)s' % dict
'I am Mike and I am from Canada'
Introduced in Python 3, but is available in Python 2.7+
>>> 'Hello {}'.format('world')
'Hello world'
Similar to the above, subsitutions can be referred by name:
>>> 'Hi {name}, your total is ${total}'.format(name='Bob', total=5.50)
'Hi Bob, your total is $5.5'
- f-Strings
Available in Python 3.6+. Works similar to the above, but is more powerful as arbitrary Python expressions can be embedded:
>>> a = 5
>>> b = 10
>>> f'Five plus ten is {a + b} and not {2 * (a + b)}.'
'Five plus ten is 15 and not 30.'
Function is a block of code which runs when it is called.
Functions are declared using the def
keyword. Function name must be a valid identifier.
Function arguments can be literal values, variables (valid identifiers), and expressions.
def sum(a, b) :
return a + b
def subtract(a, b) :
return a - b
def getPerson(name, age) :
person = { "name": name, "age": age }
return person
Function Call
Functions can be called by passing the arguments according to the declaration.
a = 20
b = 50
c = sum(a, b)
d = sum(b, 50)
e = subtract(b, a)
p = getPerson("Joe", 25)
print( "Sum - {} plus {}: {}" . format( a, b, c ) ) # Sum - 20 plus 50: 70
print( "Sum - {} plus 50: {}" . format( b, d ) ) # Sum - 50 plus 50: 100
print( "Subtraction - {} minus {}: {}" . format( b, a, e ) ) # Subtraction - 50 minus 20: 30
print( "Person - {}" . format( p ) ) # Person - {'name': 'Joe', 'age': 75}
Function as Object
All data in a Python is represented by objects. There’s nothing particularly special about functions. They’re also just objects.
def yell(text): # Define function yell
return text.upper() + '!'
>>> bark = yell # Declare an object "bark" that contains the function "yell"
>>> bark('woof') # You could now execute the "yell" function object by calling bark
Nested Function
Functions can be defined inside other functions. These are often called nested functions or inner functions.
def speak(text): # Define function speak
def wisper(t): # Function wisper does not exist outside speak
return t.lower() + '...'
return wisper(text)
>>> speak('Hello, World')
'hello, world...'
The lambda keyword in Python provides a shortcut for declaring small anonymous functions.
>>> add = lambda x, y: x + y
>>> add(5, 3)
You could declare the same add function with the def keyword, but it would be slightly more verbose:
def add(x, y):
return x + y
>>> add(5, 3)
Data Structures
# These are all inplace operations returns a None value
<list>.append(<ele>) # Add an element to the end of the list
<list>.sort() # Sorts the given list
<list>.pop([<ele>]) # Removes the last element if no argument else removes the element at the index given
<list>.clear() # Makes it an empty list
<list>.insert(<index>, <ele>) # Adds the element before the index
<list>.reverse() # Reverse a given list
# These are not inplace operations and has a return value
<list>.copy() # Makes a shallow copy of the list
<list>.index(<ele>) # Returns the index of the given element
<list>.count(<ele>) # Returns the number of occurrences of the element
key-value pairs.
<dict> = {'Google':100, 'Facebook':80, 'Apple':90}
<dict>['Amazon'] = 85 # Adding a key along with the value
# Accessing the dictionary
for key in <dict>:
print("{key} -> {x}".format(key=key, x=<dict>[key]))
<dict>.keys() # Print all the keys
<dict>.values() # Print all the values
len(<dict>) # Find the length of the dictionary
<dict>.pop(<key>) # Removes the item with the specified key name
<dict>.copy() # Make a copy of a dictionary
A dictionary can also contain many dictionaries, this is called nested dictionaries.
A tuple is a collection which is ordered, indexed and unchangeable. In Python tuples are written with round brackets.
this_tuple = ('books', 'pen', 'paper') # Defined a tuple
# Accessing Tuple Items
print(this_tuple[2]) # paper
Changing Tuple Values
Tuples are immutable, which means they cant to changed once they are created.
If a value inside tuple needs to be changed, the tuple must be converted to a list.
Newly created list can be converted back to tuple after updating changes.
desk_tuple = ("pen stand", "plant", "marker")
desk_list = list(desk_tuple)
desk_list[2] = "highlighter"
desk_tuple = tuple(desk_list)
print(desk_tuple[2]) # highlighter
Creating tuple with one item
To create a tuple with only one item, you have to add a comma after the item, otherwise Python will not recognize it as a tuple.
this_tuple = ("Python",)
print(type(this_tuple)) # tuple
# NOT a tuple
this_tuple = ("Python")
print(type(this_tuple)) # str
Deleting a tuple
Tuples are unchangeable, so you cannot remove items from it, but you can delete the tuple completely:
this_tuple = ('books', 'pen', 'paper')
del this_tuple
print(this_tuple) # ERROR: this_tuple is not defined
## Third party libraries
$ sudo pip3 install pandas # Installing pandas module in Ubuntu
import pandas as pd
<dataframe>.head([<n>]) # Display the first n rows of the Dataframe, default value is 5 rows
<dataframe>.tail([<n>]) # Display the last n rows of the Dataframe, default value is 5 rows
<dataframe>.info() # Gives some information like, row and column datatypes, non-null count, and memory usage
<dataframe>.describe() # Provides some descriptive statistics about the numerical rows in the dataframe
Data Structures in Pandas
In Pandas, total of three data structures are used
- Series
- DataFrame
- Panel
sr = pd.Series([100, 200, 300, 400],
index=["red", "green", "yello", "black"])
#A series class has a structure that allows you to give values in one-dimensional arrays an index that corresponds to each value.
values = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]
index = ['one', 'two', 'three']
columns = ['A', 'B', 'C']
df = pd.DataFrame(values, index=index, columns=columns)
#DataFrame passes a two-dimensional list as a parameter. Compared to a series, a data frame is added up to columns, consisting of columns, indexes, and values.
$ sudo pip3 install nltk # Installing nltk module in Ubuntu
import nltk
# Before trying any function download the word list'punkt')'averaged_perceptron_tagger')
Errors and Exceptions
Program stops working on error Python raises exceptions when it encounter error.
To avoid this, try-catch
blocks are used.
No syntax errors found, program starts execution.
Errors detected during execution are called exceptions.
Use try: except: finally: to catch and handle the exceptions.
Use try: except: finally: to avoid program termination on exceptions.
Use try: except: else: instead of try: except: finally: for alternate flows.
Multiple except can be use to catch the exceptions.
a = 10 * (1/0)
# Throws division by zero exception and terminate the program
# Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
a = 10 * (1/0)
# ZeroDivisionError: division by zero
# Updated Program - Valid - Try: Except: Finally
b = 10
a = 10 * (1/b)
print( "a = {}" .format( a ) )
print( "Caught divide by zero - while getting a" )
print( "Execute on error - b must be non-zero value" )
print( "Execute Always - normal and exceptional flow" )
a = 1.0
Execute Always - normal and exceptional flow
## Updated Program - Error - Try: Except: Finally
b = 0
a = 10 * (1/b)
print( "a = {}" .format( a ) )
print( "Caught divide by zero - while getting a" )
print( "Execute on error - b must be non-zero value" )
print( "Alternate to exceptional flow" )
# Output
Caught divide by zero - while getting a
Execute on error - b must be non-zero value
Execute Always - normal and exceptional flow
Python Snippets
An anagram is a word or phrase formed by rearranging the letters of a different word or phrase, typically using all the original letters exactly once.
from collections import Counter
def anagram(first, second):
return Counter(first) == Counter(second)
anagram("abcd3", "3acdb") # True
This snippet can be used to check the memory usage of an object.
import sys
variable = 30
print(sys.getsizeof(variable)) # 24
Print a string N times
This snippet can be used to print a string n times without having to use loops to do it.
n = 2
s ="Programming"
print(s * n) # ProgrammingProgramming
This method chunks a list into smaller lists of a specified size.
def chunk(list, size):
return [list[i:i+size] for i in range(0,len(list), size)]
Get vowels
This method gets vowels (‘a’, ‘e’, ‘i’, ‘o’, ‘u’) found in a string.
def get_vowels(string):
return [each for each in string if each in 'aeiou']
get_vowels('foobar') # ['o', 'o', 'a']
get_vowels('gym') # []
Length of Last Word in a string
This method gets the length of last word in a given string.
def lengthOfLastWord(self, s: str) -> int:
return len(last)
return 0
Valid Palindrome
This method returns a bool value specifying whether a string is palindromic or not.
def isPalindrome(self, s: str) -> bool:
s = [ x.lower() for x in s if x.isalnum() ]
return s == s[::-1]
Check Lowercase
This method checks if a string is in lower case or not.
def toLowerCase(self, str):
:type str: str
:rtype: str
return str.lower()
Count Negatives in a sorted Matrix
This method returns the count of negative numbers in a sorted matrix.
def countNegatives(self, grid: List[List[int]]) -> int:
count = 0
for num in grid:
for n in num:
if n < 0:
count += 1
return count
Write to file
This method takes in the name of file
and content
then write the content into the file. If the file doesn't exist then it creates the file.
def write_to_file(filename, content):
with open(filename, "w+") as f:
print("Written to file successfully.")
except Exception as e:
print("Failed to write to file with error: ")
Median of given array
This method returns the median of the given list/array as an output.
import statistics
def median(arr):
Even or Odd
This function determines the given number is even or odd.
def find_Evenodd(num):
print(num," Is an even")
print(num," is an odd")
This function returns "yes" if given string is a palindrome, else "no". Palindrome is a string whose reverse is the string itself.
def isPalindrome(s):
if (s == s[::-1]):
return "yes"
return "no"
Further reading-
- Introduction and Installation
- Why Python?
- Statements, Comments and Indentation
- Operators and If-elif-else
- The for loop
- Summary Interview questions
- The While Loop and more questions
- Exercises and coding challenges⚔️
- Unicode in Python
- Summary of the week and exercises.
- Lists in Python
- Multidimensional lists and Tuples
- Basic algorithms
- Stack implementation
- Basic Exception and error handling using try-except
- More about try-except
- Fractal lists and other questions
- Intro to DSA ^^
- Insertion sort
- Dictionaries in Python
- Practicing Dictionary exercises
- HashTables via Dictionaries
- Summary of the week and dictionary exercises.
- String Methods Part-1
- String Methods Part-2
- String Methods Part-3
- Summary of the basic course.