ChatSecure-iOS copied to clipboard
No Such Module "OTRKit"
I am implementing ChatSecure iOS in my app, Step That I have followed.
- First, I clone a separate chat secure app from below branch and follow these steps
git clone -b xcode-11 $ cd ChatSecure-iOS/ $ git submodule update --init --recursive
I created a new app where I copied Podspecs, Submodules and other folder and file (OTRResources,, OTRAssets.podspec, OTRAssets, media, license_plist.yml, LICENSE, Gemfile.lock, Gemfile,fastlane, COPYING,, ChatSecureCore.podspec,, ChatSecure folder, ChatSecureCore folder ) from Chat secure app in My app and copy module path from ChatSecure's Podfile to MyProject's Podfile
Then I run command on terminal from My project folder $ bash ./Submodules/CPAProxy/scripts/ $ bash ./Submodules/OTRKit/scripts/ $ pod repo update $ pod install
$ cp OTRResources/Secrets-template.plist OTRResources/Secrets.plist
All are working fine. Then I import downloaded module in My app. it works fine.
I also drag OTRKIt and CPAProxy project file from submodule in my app as working on this branch (git clone -b xcode-11
But when I build My Project then it shows "NO such module "OTRKIt" I also added dependencies, Link Binary with Library in build Phase for (OTRKit and CPAProxy). I also set Framework search path and Header search path for this module But not get any success.
I am very stuck on this way last 3-4 days. Please help me to find out for this solution. Thanks
This is for Pod File for My Project. It is working fine
Hello , I Integrating the chatsecure App into my App , IM getting this error " No Such Module "OTRKit"" as I Integrated Steps followed by you same to same.... but i couldn't get any success Please..would be any help i really more appreciated you thank you.....
Have you found any solution?