RetinaFace-Cpp copied to clipboard
RetinaFace detector with C++
How to run inference using the model provided in convert_models folder ? What piece of code should I place in the space provided in "detect.cpp" ? What are the preferred...
Hello, will this run on CPU? I can't spot where you are loading the model.
您好, 已经跑通您的这个程序, 但我使用Vulkan的时候, 发现不工作 (ncnn 提供的例子可以使用gpu加速), ncnn::Net _net; ncnn::create_gpu_instance(); _net.opt.use_vulkan_compute = 1; int gpu_count = ncnn::get_gpu_count(); ncnn::VulkanDevice vkdev; _net.set_vulkan_device(&vkdev); _net.load_param(; _net.load_model(;
您好, 这个代码 运行的环境,您能详细说下吗,非常感谢!
both input of the crop layer have identical shape. Do we really need crop layer?
请问 RetinaFace-Cpp/Demo/ncnn/models/ 这个目录下的 retina.bin 和 retina.param 是对应于您该链接中: I convert R50 mxnet model to caffe model BaiDuYun密码:6evh | Google Drive 中提供的模型吗
``` Cube cls; Cube reg; Cube pts; // get blob output char clsname[100]; sprintf(clsname, "face_rpn_cls_prob_reshape_stride%d", _feat_stride_fpn[i]); char regname[100]; sprintf(regname, "face_rpn_bbox_pred_stride%d", _feat_stride_fpn[i]); char ptsname[100]; sprintf(ptsname, "face_rpn_landmark_pred_stride%d", _feat_stride_fpn[i]); net.Extract(nc, clsname, cls); net.Extract(nc,...
测试了一下caffe的mnet模型在树莓派4B上的速度,推理框架用的阿里的MNN,树莓派4B的cpu型号是BCM2711(四核Cortex A72,主频1.5GHz),测试分辨率为VGA (640*480),loop10次取平均: 核心数 |fp32计算耗时(ms)|量化后int8计算耗时(ms) ------------ | -------------| ------------- 1 | 167|183 2 |116|102 3|105|76 4|96|61 MNN框架的加速优化还是做得挺不错的。