Flask-MVC-Template copied to clipboard
Flask-MVC Template It is a template with "batteries included" created for the fast development of applications in the microframework flask :snake:
Flask-MVC Template
Flask-MVC Template It is a template with "batteries included" created for the fast development of applications in the microframework flask
Flask-Via: For create routes like a Django Rest Framework style using Blueprints!
Flask-Security: To easily have login, logout, recovery password and to keep administrator views restricted.
This template has a sub folder in templates / security in which are the custom templates for flask-security. Already configured.
Flask-Admin: A cool admin interface customizable for your models and assets recources.
Add yours models in the file admin.py
Flask-Upload: This template brings an example of how to use flask-upload in different blueprints and how to save the url of file in the database
Delete restaurant and food folders and rewrite app / __ init__.py for delete the pretty example
Flask-Script: Awesome commands for your projects, including the Flask-Migrate commands:
: Create admin user -
: Scaffold new blueprint folder and register in the file app/routes.py
Rauth Social Login with facebook, google and twitter
Flask-Testing Simple test unit with Faker for generate forget data and unittest And Selenium webdriver for front end testing
python -m unittest discover -p <file.py>
: Test the specific file
- [x] Flask-Script
- [x] Admin command
- [x] Create app command
- [x] Flask-Migrate
- [x] Flask-Uploads
- [x] Create one instance of this in each blueprint
- [x] Oauth
- [x] Facebook
- [x] Twitter
- [x] Google
- [x] Testing with Flask-Testing
- [x] Faker for generate forged data
- [x] Front end test with Selenium webdriver
- [x] Back end test
- [x] Create command to create an admin
- [x] Factory App
- [x] HTTP Templates for error handling
- [x] Create easy way for Unit Test
:warning: Be carefull
Before use this for your projects keep in mind that this project is quite old, and it is preferable to create one with more modern tools and libraries. This project is useful if you want to read the source code and learn a little about the use of Flask on monolithic architectures.
New version.
Since a lot of extensions of flask are outdated and bugged. We going write features with native flask code, add more features and make the project more clean and easy to use and scale.
Database modeling, schema, and ORM:
- [ ] Improve User/Role models with native code without
- [ ] Each model in a file in
- [ ] Schema for JSON parsing using
- [ ] Add User Role unit test
Testing, TTD/BDD:
- [ ] Remove Flask-Testing because is outdated
- [ ] Create Unit Testing for Schemas, Models definition and CLI commands
- [ ] REST API Integration test
- [ ] GRAPHQL API Integration test
- [ ] Create a folder
and add a file for each command - [ ] Create a command to generate a
sqlalchemy model
with properties and references like Rails :star:
Web Server:
- [ ] File upload folders examples with ```Flask-Upload`` or native code if that library don't work
- [ ] Register with email confirmation
- [ ] Login
- [ ] User details page
- [ ] Recover Password with email token
- [ ] Remove Bootstrap and Flask-Assets
- [ ] Remove Material Icons and Fonts from Google
- [ ] Remove JQuery
- [ ] Refactors Jinja2 code and HTML to make it better to read
- [ ] Remove feature: Admin panel and add a Admin protected simple view
- [ ] Facebook, Twitter, Google authentication
- [ ] Endpoints
- [ ] JWT with RSA2048
- [ ] Login
- [ ] Protected endpoint for admin
- [ ] All users non-protected view
- [ ] API Documentation with this as npm package, more pretty than Swagger
- [ ] Endpoints
- [ ] JWT with RSA2048
- [ ] Login
- [ ] Protected endpoint for admin
- [ ] All users non-protected view
- [ ] API Documentation with