DCNv2 copied to clipboard
Cannot import DCNv2
I have cloned this repository, and then ./make.sh. However, once I try to import some .py, it shows:
Cannot import DCN
What can I do?
I have the same problem:
ImportError: /data/code/DCNv2-pytorch_0.4/_ext/dcn_v2/_dcn_v2.so: undefined symbol: __cudaRegisterFatBinaryEnd
I've just run into the same issue. Is there any update?
I'am also have the similar problem: ImportError: /mnt/big_disk/2020/dyx/EDVR/basicsr/models/modules/DCNv2/_ext.cpython-37m-x86_64-linux-gnu.so: undefined symbol: _ZN2at7getTypeERKNS_6TensorE
Hi, anyone solved it? Thx!