mxCalendar copied to clipboard
How to remove text on front end of calendar - Images:0
A fresh install of mxCalendar 1.1.11 on MODX 2.4.2 - there are a few bugs with the calendar, most of which can be worked around until a new release is forth coming, however, there is an annoying injection of text on the calendar with the event title which I cannot find in any of the chunks or js files.
The text is "Images:0" and I would very much like to get rid of this!
After alot of digging around located code in mxcalendars.class.php line 518 and simply commented out the line. Appreciate that doesn't fix the problem entirely, but works in the short term.
<span class="title startdate '.$categoryInlineCSS['eventCategoryInlineCss'].'"> <!-- Image: '.$imgIdx.'--> <a href="'.$el['detailURL'].'" class="'.$el['mxcmodalClass'].'">'.$el['title'].'</a></span>