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SIM should show the flager's usernames on that SE site, not MS usernames
When I use the SIM userscript for a particular spam post, I see the following:
Let's say I'm not a Smoke Detector expert. I'm just some random moderator trying to keep a handle on what these Charcoal people are doing on my site. This is telling me this list of users flagged my post, and one of them is System -- implying it's a Stack Exchange user called System. Did the Stack Exchange system flag this??? I know there's system bots like Community, did that do something? What about Smoke Detector's flag?
It's actually Smoke Detector, and clicking the link tells me this.
Really, it should just tell me that up front: Smoke Detector flagged this. System didn't.
As an even better goal, this userscript should not be listing Charcoal usernames at all, because that won't necessarily line up with the usernames of anyone who did the flagging. It should be listing current Stack Exchange usernames.
The first part of this is done:

The second part is more difficult; metasmoke would need to keep track of usernames per site for all users. It might also be possible to implement that part at the userscript level, making an API call to get usernames on the current site based on MS' returned account IDs.