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Get responses from quickReplies
I'm new user from Bootbot framework. I try to get answer from a quick_replies from answer. I didn't know how to get this. I start with bot.setGetStartedButton() and want to get answer from quickReplies like ''🏹 Je recherche quelqu'un' and go to the const convo_find_sexe(). I search in documentation but doesn't find answer. Can you help me.
` 'use strict'; const BootBot = require('bootbot');
const bot = new BootBot({ accessToken: '...', verifyToken: '...', appSecret: '...' });
const new_tickets = (payload, chat) => {
const message = Nouveaux Tickets!
const options = { typing: true };
chat.say(message, options);
const convo_find_sexe = (convo) => { chat.say({ text: 'Pour commencer, était-ce une femme ou un homme', quickReplies: ['👩 Femme', '👨 Homme'] }); convo.set('find_sexe', payload.message.text); const answer = (payload, convo) => { if (!payload.message) { convo.end(); } const options = { typing: true }; }; };
const favoris = (payload, chat) => {
const message = Vos favoris!
const otions = { typing: true };
chat.say(message, options);
const tickets = (payload, chat) => {
const message = Vos tickets!
const options = { typing: true };
chat.say(message, options);
const faq = (payload, chat) => {
const message = Vos questions!
const options = { typing: true };
chat.say(message, options);
const settings = (payload, chat) => {
const message = Vos paramètres!
const options = { typing: true };
chat.say(message, options);
bot.setGetStartedButton((payload, chat) => {
chat.getUserProfile().then((user) => {
chat.say(👋 Salut ${user.first_name} ! Sais tu que les plus belles rencontres sont celles auxquelles on ne s\'attend pas? 💘
, { typing: true })
.then(() => chat.say(Ces rencontres se font partout, mais surtout ailleurs ! 💕 Je suis là pour faciliter ces rencontres
, { typing: true }))
.then(() => chat.say({
text: 'Souhaites tu rechercher quelqu'un ou lire les tickets ?',
quickReplies: ['🔖 Lire les tickets', '🏹 Je recherche quelqu'un', '⭐ Mes favoris', '💌 Mes tickets', '🤔 Comment ça fonctionne ?', '⚙️ Paramètres']})
I also had some trouble finding the answer to this. After you created your quick reply:
bot.hear(['Hola', 'hey', 'saludos', 'saludo', 'ong', 'Saludos', '¿Como estas?', 'quiero', 'quisiera','dónde', 'donde'], (payload, chat) =>{ const text = payload.message.text; console.log(text);
text: 'Hi how may I help?',
buttons: [
{type: 'postback', title: 'Hours', payload: 'HOUR_SETTINGS'},
{type: 'postback', title: 'Prices', payload: 'PRICES'},
{type: 'postback', title: 'Talk to a human', payload: 'HELP_HUMAN'}
You have to set up a listener to each of the events and set an action i.e
bot.on('postback:HELP_HUMAN', (payload, chat) => { console.log('The Help Me button was clicked!'); });
bot.on('postback:HOUR_SETTINGS', (payload, chat) => { console.log('The Hour button was clicked!'); });
bot.on('postback:PRICES', (payload, chat) => { console.log('The PRICES button was clicked!'); });
In your exemple, you use buttons with postback but we can't use postback with quickReplies like buttons ? In more I want to send user to function when click on quickReplies without use bot.hear().
You can try this code like that. I agree it is not the fanciest way but this works for quickReplies.
Because you are setting the button as a postback, so when you configure bot.hear() and pass trough the postback:paload I definitely catches the button clicked.
Why you don’t want to use bot.hear() ?
so for you, I need to use :
const new_tickets = (payload, chat) => {
const message = Nouveaux Tickets!;
const options = { typing: true };
chat.say(message, options);
quickReplies: ['🔖 Lire les tickets', '🏹 Je recherche quelqu'un', '⭐ Mes favoris', '💌 Mes tickets', '🤔 Comment ça fonctionne ?', '⚙️ Paramètres']
bot.hear(['🔖 Lire les tickets'], (payload, chat) =>{
const text = payload.message.text;
It seems to be good for u ?
Use .on(quick_reply:YOUR_PAYLOAD)
text: 'Some text',
quickReplies: [{
content_type: "text",
title: "Option One",
payload: "OPTION_ONE"
}, {
content_type: "text",
title: "Option Two",
payload: "OPTION_TWO"
}], typing: 1000
bot.on('quick_reply:OPTION_ONE', (payload, chat) => {
//Do something
bot.on('quick_reply:OPTION_TWO', (payload, chat) => {
//Do something
@wfrancescons Thanks you, your answer resolved my problem. Thanks u ! 👍