IbEverythingExt copied to clipboard
有无可能加入一个双击快捷键 运行/打开 权重最高/排在首位的项目?
分类: 需求 版本: N/A
IbEverythingExt当前打开某个搜索后的结果项目的做法是, 搜索完毕后, 通过 ctrl+alt+[0-9] 运行某个编号的项目. 但是毕竟ctrl+alt+[0-9]按起来很麻烦.
能否让用户自行选择一个键, 比方说 TAB/CapsLock或者 ` , 双击这个指定的键, 直接运行 权重最高/排在首位 的项目? 这样很容易形成肌肉记忆, 会很便捷.
能否求一段代码, 实现 只在Everything窗口内监控 TAB按键. 其他程序正常响应TAB.
在Everything内部, 快速连击(300ms内)TAB -> ctrl+alt+1 非快速连击, 依然是正常的TAB?
临时解决方案:使用 AutoHotkey 映射: dbpress.zip
SendMode "Input"
#HotIf ActiveWindowIsEverything()
KeyTab(ThisHotkey) ; This is a named function hotkey.
static presses := 0
if presses > 0 ; SetTimer already started, so we log the keypress instead.
presses += 1
; Otherwise, this is the first press of a new series. Set count to 1 and start
; the timer:
presses := 1
SetTimer After, -300 ; Wait for more presses within a millisecond window.
After() ; This is a nested function.
if presses = 1 ; The key was pressed once.
Send "{Tab}"
else if presses = 2 ; The key was pressed twice.
Send "^!1"
; Regardless of which action above was triggered, reset the count to
; prepare for the next series of presses:
presses := 0
ActiveWindowIsEverything() {
window_class := ""
try window_class := WinGetClass("A")
return (window_class ~= "^EVERYTHING") != 0