> Hi! My training crashed, and I couldn't find the code to resume training from the last saved checkpoint. How can I resume my training? How do you handle this?...
Hi, thanks for your interest. You can try the 3T version TinyLlama via, but as you can see, the model may have already satuated before 3T. We are conducting...
Hi you can determine the max steps based on how much tokens you want to train when using cos lr schedule.
Hi we are working on these two datasets, will release the scripts when we finish.
Hi, currently our training datasets mainly contain English corpus. I think that not much spanish are training during pretraining. However, I think that you can collect about over 50B high...
> How must cost the training of a tiny llama in spanish? It depends on your token number. For example, you need about half a month for ~250B tokens under...
I am not sure how many tokens required to achieve a good continual pretrained models for spanish. Maybe will be less than 250B. Sorry I have no experience about that.
Hi, you can download the tokenizer with `mkdir data && cd data && mkdir llama && cd llama && wget && cd ../.. `
Hi, I think the speed depends on how much cpu cores do you have. When we use 128 cores, it seems to take about a day to do this.
Hi, you can check [this]( to enable the FP32 training.