@parth-appsmith @rohan-arthur 1)Are edit and show bindings option required in context menu of query pane page?? 2)Should icons be added to context menu options in entity explorer??
/ok-to-test sha=37ac61f
/ok-to-test sha=21964bb
/ok-to-test sha=76a7773
The PR only contains jest test cases, so won't need QA on this. Hence adding testplanapproved label myself.
A number with preceding 0's(zeros) is considered an Octal number in [Javascript]( And javascript recommends adding o next to zero (ex: 0o123). The above error is generated when the binding...
/ok-to-test sha=1656d0c
/ok-to-test sha=d906ffc
For 3rd point - This issue exists in production and has not been introduced by AST-related changes. @btsgh has created an [issue]( for the same!!