Chamlika Wickramasinghe
Chamlika Wickramasinghe
@CamilleBatGA Any pixel value within the range for the raster data-type used. You can gdalinfo on the raster to know more on the dataset structure involved.
@mbeaucha I'm unable to reproduce the issue, can you double check with the GitHub source and let us know, thanks!
@jrounsley The log (XML) says the TIF files associated with the .TIL had failed. This may not be anything related to the local S3 connection. I'll have a test with...
@jrounsley I don't see any issue related to converting of TIL files on my side and could successfully upload to the local s3 Minio server. Do you think you can...
Fixed on Pro 3.2.2, we now have the following azure entries in the Package Manager. azure-core azure-storage-blob @rasgithub
@mapface Can you add the following line in bold manually into your credentials file for the output profiles name (profile_name) as referenced in your OR command and see if that...
@BoudewijnBoogaard We'll have the MRF/WEBP compression added into the next release, thansk!
> You mean TIFF/WEBP, right? > > oops, yes @lucianpls Thanks for pointing out.