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All the Famous algorithms you need!


A social exploration of the inner workings of algorithms and data structures.


ProCookbook is designed to help software engineers engage with algorithms and data structure in a tangible way. It began as a curiosity, and now can be a library of known algorithms.

What this is intended to be

  • A python package wrapping up C++ implementations of algorithms.
  • A place for you to contribute new algorithms and learn with others.

What this isn't

  • A replacement for python's standard libraries.
  • A place to copy/paste from TheAlgorithms project.

How to Get Involved

If you would like to help with wrapping the project using the Python-C API, join the discussion on this issue.

List of Algorithms

  • Sorting
  • Graph/Tree
    • Not Catagorized
  • Number Theory
  • Data Structures
  • Resources
  • Useful Sites
  • Courses
    • Introduction courses
    • Advance Courses
  • Wish List
  • Data Structures
  • Algorithms


The following is a resource for various sorting techniques with their execution time.

1. Bubble Sort 										[Execution time : 199.22 seconds ]  
2. Selection Sort									[Execution time : 75.192 seconds ]  
3. Insertion Sort									[Execution time : 52.833 seconds ]  
4. Shell Sort										[Execution time : 15.703 seconds ]  
5. Merge Sort										[Execution time :  0.86  seconds ]  
6. Quick Sort (without shuffling)					[Execution time :  0.817 seconds ]  
7. Count Sort										[Execution time :  0.645 seconds ]  


Tree is special form of graph i.e. minimally connected graph and having only one path between any two vertices. In graph there can be more than one path i.e. graph can have uni-directional or bi-directional paths (edges) between nodes.

  1. Graph API
  2. Depth first search
  3. Breadth first search
  4. Dijkstra's Algorithm
  5. Floyd-Warshall's Algorithm
  6. Lowest common Ancestor
  7. Heavy Light Decomposition (create and query only)
Not Catagorized
  1. Merge Sort (Incomplete trying inplace mergesort) | READ

Number Theory

  1. GCD | wiki | Euclidean Algorithm | Extended Euclidean

  2. Sieve of Eratosthenes | wiki | tutorial | Examples

  3. Karatsuba's multiplication

  4. Miller-Rabin Test for prime numbers

  5. Euler's totient function

Data Structures

  1. Stack
  2. Trie
  3. Union Find | Tutorial
  4. Fenwick Tree Tutorial
  5. Linked List (Add more features)
  6. Interval Trees


Useful Sites


Introduction courses
Advance Courses

Wish List

Data Structures

  1. Queues
  2. Binary Search Tree (All variants)
  3. Linked Lists
  4. Maps
  5. Priority Queue
  6. Tries
  7. Bag
  8. Segment Tree
  9. Fenwick Tree
  10. HLD on Trees
  11. Stacks
  12. Skip Lists
  13. Interval trees


  1. Knuth-Morris-Pratt Algorihm(KMP) | Wiki | Tutorial | Example
  2. Rabin-Karp Algorithm | Wiki | Tutorial | Example
  3. Dijkstra's Algorithm(shortest Path) | Wiki | Tutorial
  4. Floyd Warshall Algorithm Wiki | Tutorial
  5. Sparse Table(RMQ)
  6. Lowest Common Ancestor Wiki | Tutorial
  7. Modular Exponentiation Wiki | Tutorial
  8. Counting inversion Wiki | Tutorial
  9. Euclid's Extended Algorithm Wiki | Tutorial
  10. Knapsack problem Wiki | Tutorial
  11. Aho-Corasick String Matching Algorithm Wiki | Tutorial
  12. Strongly connected Components Wiki | Tutorial
  13. Union-Find Wiki | Tutorial
  14. Bellman Ford Algorithm Wiki | Tutorial
  15. Convex Hull Wiki | Tutorial
  16. K-d tree Wiki | Tutorial
  17. Manacher's Algorithm Wiki | Tutorial
  18. Sweep Line Algorithm Wiki | Tutorial
  19. Stable Marriage Problem Wiki | Tutorial
  20. Detecting Cycles in a Graph Wiki | Tutorial
  21. Backtracking Wiki | Tutorial
  22. Graph Coloring Wiki | Tutorial
  23. Johnson's Alogrithm Wiki | Tutorial
  24. Link Cut tree Wiki | Tutorial | Video
  25. Burnside Lemma Wiki | Tutorial
  26. Mo's Algorithm Wiki | Tutorial
  27. Minimum Spanning Tree Wiki | Tutorial
  28. FFT Wiki | Tutorial
  29. Towers of hanoi Wiki | Tutorial
  30. Heavy Light Decomposition Wiki | Tutorial
  31. Suffix Tree Automation(Pattern Searching) Wiki | Tutorial
  32. Binary Indexed Tree Wiki | Tutorial
  33. Z Algorithm Wiki | Tutorial
  34. Line Intersection Algorithm Wiki | Tutorial
  35. Topological Sorting Wiki | Tutorial
  36. Binary Search Wiki | Tutorial
  37. Hash Function Wiki | Tutorial
  38. Segment Trees(Lazy Propagation) Wiki | Tutorial
  39. Vertex Cover Problem Wiki | Tutorial
  40. Interval Tree Wiki | Tutorial
  41. Hungarian Algorithm Wiki | Tutorial
  42. Matrix Exponentiation Wiki | Tutorial
  43. Gaussian Elimination Wiki | Tutorial
  44. Pollard Rho Integer Factorisation Wiki | Tutorial
  45. Eulerian and Hamiltonian Path Wiki | Wiki2 | Tutorial
  46. Blossom/Edmond's Algorithm Wiki | Tutorial
  47. Meet in the middle Wiki | Tutorial
  48. Constructive Algorithm Wiki