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Results 172 chainlit issues
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``Hey, i'm not able to run chainlit on my computer. I just grab the demo code: ```py import chainlit as cl @cl.on_message # this function will be called every time...

code ```python import logging import os import sys import chainlit as cl import graphsignal from dotenv import load_dotenv from graphsignal.callbacks.llama_index import GraphsignalCallbackHandler from langchain.chat_models import ChatOpenAI from llama_index import LLMPredictor,...

As title, it's an honor to start developing chat based UIs swiftly through chainlit, it would be great if -w argument starts working in the windows in the upcoming updates.

This is a very excellent project that has solved some problems in the field and made writing artistic intelligence applications more conservative I hope my suggestions will make it better...


hi again and thanks again for chainlit! 🥳 Beside OpenAI, a lot of people like me, use Azure OpenAI API (Please see [`langchain docs`]( But currently it cant be easily...

I wonder if we can enable the use of Chainlit chatbot UI as a Streamlit component besides the use of a standalone app, so users can leverage their existing knowledge...

Would be nice to be able to set the icon(favicon) and UI element base colors in maybe the config.toml file


Sometimes, it’s convenient to click a drop-down button with a list of available options, e.g., click the “generate image” button with the default value (option) set to StableDiffusion 1.5 or...
