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VS Code Firestore Rules Extension

Installs Visual Studio Marketplace Build Status Maintainability Dependencies devDependencies Status


Firestore security rule support for Visual Studio Code.

Works for .rule and .rules files.


Syntax Highlighting

Syntax Highlighting

Mouseover Information

Mouseover Information

Autocomplete Suggestions




Only works for valid rules and currently only formats the indentation.

Experimental: Version 1.3.0 intoduced a new formatter option which can be enabled in the configuration, firestorerules.usePrettierFormatter. When the option is enabled, the project uses prettier and the prettier-plugin-firestore-rules to format the firestore rules.

Known Issues

  • The documentation of the get(/path/) function is currently not correct

This extension is still very fresh and under development, so if you have any issues, please report them on GitHub.


I'm working on improving the prettier-plugin-firestore-rules formatter as well as the corresponding firestore rules parser (WIP).

When the parser is in a proper shape, it will be included to provide validation of the firestore rules.