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🌊 🌊 🌊 Parallel Shallow Water Equations Solver by Finite Volume Method and HLLE Riemann Solver in Julia.
Tsunamis.jl - A Finite Volume Shallow Water Equation Solver for Julia
Future Trends in HPC Seminar - Shallow Water Equation Solvers with Julia
This is a translation of elements of the Shallow Water Equation code from https://github.com/TUM-I5/SWE.
Read the
Installing Dependencies
In a Julia REPL environment run
] add NetCDF NCDatasets ArgParse
Running the code
Sequential Run
Make sure all dependencies are installed, then run
julia single_node.jl
for the single-node sequential implementation.
For help add the "-h" flag.
Parallel Run
Choose the number of julia workers or provide the julia executable with a machine file.
julia -p <NUM_CORES> multi_node.jl
For help add the "-h" flag.
If the output flag is set (default) either one NetCDF (sequential) or multiple (parallel run) NetCDF files are created. They can be postprocessed e.g. with ParaView.