Pixiv-Shaft copied to clipboard
导航条沉浸 material you设计适配 icon适配
Acknowledgements / 确认事项
- [X] I have updated to the latest version of the app / 已经更新到最新版
- [X] I have tried the FAQ / 试过FAQ了. FAQ
- [X] I have searched the existing issues and this is new ticket NOT a duplicate or related to another issue / 搜索过其他issue,确实不是重复问题
- [X] I will fill out the title and the information in this template / 填好标题和内容
What feature should be added? / 需要加上什么功能
目前的手势条区域不是透明的,是一条色带,尤其在小说界面更改背景色后会很明显,看起来比较不舒服,希望可以适配下。 希望在主题中增加material you配色,如果能适配新的风格就更好了 希望可以适配下新的安卓icon特性,带主题的图标
Official support / 官方支持情况
- [ ] Is this feature supported by the official pixiv app? / 官方App是否支持
Is this feature supported by any other third-party pixiv app? / 第三方App是否支持
Any other information can be help? / 其它信息
No response
就不pr了( ̄ε(# ̄)