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Powerful economy framework for discord bots.


Powerful economy framework for discord bots.


FOSSA Status


$ npm i quick.eco -s

// Add one of the following adapters [required]

$ npm i @quick.eco/sqlite

$ npm i @quick.eco/mongo

$ npm i @quick.eco/mysql 

Adapter Usage


  • Global Economy
  • Per-guild Economy
  • Built-in cooldown
  • Flexible
  • Randomizer
  • Configurable
  • Storage Adapters
  • & much more...

Getting Started

const { EconomyManager } = require("quick.eco");
const eco = new EconomyManager({
    adapter: '', // => sqlite, mongo or mysql
    adapterOptions: {} // => Options


const Discord = require("discord.js");
const client = new Discord.Client();
const { EconomyManager } = require("quick.eco")
const eco = new EconomyManager({
    adapter: 'sqlite'

client.on("ready", () => console.log('ready!'));

client.on("message", async (message) => {
    if (!message.guild || message.author.bot) return;

    if (message.content === "daily") {
        let add = await eco.daily(message.author.id, false, 500);
        if (add.cooldown) return message.reply(`You already claimed your daily coins. Come back after ${add.time.days} days, ${add.time.hours} hours, ${add.time.minutes} minutes & ${add.time.seconds} seconds.`);
        return message.reply(`you claimed ${add.amount} as your daily coins and now you have total ${add.money} coins.`);

    if (message.content === "bal") {
        let money = await eco.fetchMoney(message.author.id);
        return message.channel.send(`${message.author} has ${money} coins.`);

    if (message.content === "leaderboard") {
        let lb = await eco.leaderboard(false, 10);
        const embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
        lb.forEach(u => {
            embed.addField(`${u.position}. ${client.users.cache.get(u.user).tag}`, `Money: ${u.money} 💸`);
        return message.channel.send(embed);



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