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Items missing from Schema with array type

Open theory opened this issue 3 years ago • 5 comments

I have a JSON schema named things.schema.json that looks like this:

    "$schema": "https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema",
    "$id": "things.schema.json",
    "title": "Things",
    "description": "A list of things.",
    "type": "array",
    "uniqueItems": true,
    "minItems": 1,
    "items": { "$ref": "thing.schema.json" }

It references thing.schema.json, which looks like this:

    "$schema": "https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema",
    "$id": "thing.schema.json",
    "title": "Thing",
    "description": "A thing.",
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
      "name": { "type": "string" },
      "age": { "type": "number" }
    "required": ["name", "age"]

Then I run wetzel like so:

wetzel.js --autoLink=cqo things.schema.json > things.md

The resulting file looks like this:

# Objects
* [`Thing`](#reference-thing)
* [`Things`](#reference-things) (root object)

<a name="reference-thing"></a>
## Thing

A thing.

**`Thing` Properties**

|   |Type|Description|Required|
|**name**|`string`|| &#10003; Yes|
|**age**|`number`|| &#10003; Yes|

Additional properties are allowed.

### thing.name

* **Type**: `string`
* **Required**:  &#10003; Yes

### thing.age

* **Type**: `number`
* **Required**:  &#10003; Yes

<a name="reference-things"></a>
## Things

A list of things.

Note that the Things reference at the bottom is missing any information about the items. The same is true even if I set "items": { "type": "string" }; the resulting Markdown is simply:

# Objects
* [`Things`](#reference-things) (root object)

<a name="reference-things"></a>
## Things

A list of things.

If I add minItems uniqueItems, or any of the rest, none of it appears, either. Shouldn't there be more details on what constitutes an an array schema?

theory avatar Oct 21 '21 23:10 theory

I assume it needs to handle arrays in getSchemaMarkdown():

--- a/lib/generateMarkdown.js
+++ b/lib/generateMarkdown.js
@@ -221,6 +221,8 @@ function getSchemaMarkdown(schema, fileName, headerLevel, suppressWarnings, sche
         var title = defaultValue(schema.title, suppressWarnings ? '' : 'WETZEL_WARNING: title not defined');
         md += createPropertiesDetails(schema, title, headerLevel + 1, knownTypes, autoLink);
         md += createExamples(schema, headerLevel + 1);
+    } else if (schemaType === 'array') {
+        md += 'Add information about the array constraints and types here'
     return md;

That does go to the right place in the Markdown, though I don't know exactly how you'd like it formatted; perhaps something like for animation channels?

theory avatar Oct 22 '21 00:10 theory

Sounds great, but I would love to reuse the same code that generates this for arrays that are object properties. A quick glance doesn't make it look like the code is easily reusable, which is a shame. But I don't think we would want two separate implementations of this feature, if that's avoidable.

emackey avatar Oct 25 '21 20:10 emackey

Yeah. I hacked this into my current copy so I could at least get a couple links, but it's copied and modified from elsewhere. Not pretty.

diff --git a/lib/generateMarkdown.js b/lib/generateMarkdown.js
index 961381c..365b15f 100644
--- a/lib/generateMarkdown.js
+++ b/lib/generateMarkdown.js
@@ -221,6 +221,28 @@ function getSchemaMarkdown(schema, fileName, headerLevel, suppressWarnings, sche
         var title = defaultValue(schema.title, suppressWarnings ? '' : 'WETZEL_WARNING: title not defined');
         md += createPropertiesDetails(schema, title, headerLevel + 1, knownTypes, autoLink);
         md += createExamples(schema, headerLevel + 1);
+    } else if (schemaType === 'array') {
+        var summary = getPropertySummary(schema, knownTypes, autoLink);
+        var eachElementInTheArrayMust = 'Each element in the array' + style.mustKeyword
+        if (schema.items) {
+            var itemSum = getPropertySummary(schema.items, knownTypes, autoLink)
+            md += style.bulletItem(style.propertyDetails('Type') + ': ' + itemSum.formattedType, 0);
+            if (schema.uniqueItems) {
+                md += style.bulletItem(eachElementInTheArrayMust + 'be unique.', 1);
+            }
+        }
+        // Schema reference
+        if (embedMode === enums.embedMode.referenceIncludeDocument) {
+            md += style.bulletItem(style.bold('JSON schema') + ': ' + style.getSchemaEmbedLink(fileName, schema)) + '\n';
+        } else if (defined(schemaRelativeBasePath)) {
+            if (!schemaRelativeBasePath.endsWith('/')) {
+                schemaRelativeBasePath += '/';
+            }
+            md += style.bulletItem(style.bold('JSON schema') + ': ' + style.getLinkMarkdown(fileName, schemaRelativeBasePath.replace(/\\/g, '/') + fileName)) + '\n';
+        }
     return md;

theory avatar Oct 25 '21 20:10 theory

Hi, I'm using your library to make my documentation and I ran into this issue. Is this going to be fixed anytime soon? Thanks!

meganrm avatar Feb 18 '22 23:02 meganrm

@meganrm unless and until the glTF schema uses an array types, I think it will only be added if someone else contributes it. The project seems pretty amenable to merging PRs tho.

theory avatar Mar 10 '22 15:03 theory