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Cesium map due to transfrom caused map offset, click inaccurate problem
Cesium map due to transfrom caused map offset, click inaccurate problem.
Now change the vue file path:/cesium/Source/Core/ScreenSpaceEventHandler.js
Change the getPosition method inside as follows:
function getPosition(screenSpaceEventHandler, event, result) { var element = screenSpaceEventHandler._element; var fa = element.offsetWidth/element.getBoundingClientRect().width; var fa1 = element.offsetHeight/element.getBoundingClientRect().height; if (element === document) { result.x = event.clientX * fa; result.y = event.clientY * fa1; return result; }
var rect = element.getBoundingClientRect(); result.x = (event.clientX - rect.left) * fa; result.y = (event.clientY - rect.top) * fa1; return result; }
The above is my way of handling. May I ask whether it can be added into the official document?
Hi @eliayng. Could you please explain this in more detail?
Cesium map due to transform caused map offset, click inaccurate problem.
Could you include a Sandcastle example which duplicates it?
I'm closing this due to inactivity. @eliayng If you have more info, please feel free to re-open this issue. Thanks!
@ggetz Please take a look at this example. When the parent DOM element applies a scale transformation, it becomes unselectable upon clicking.
more infomation about the bug
steps to reproduce
- used CSS transform scale() function on Viewer's DOM element or parent DOM element, and the scale paraments is not 1.
example :
transform: scale(1.5, 1,5)
- use CSS zoom function on Viewer's DOM element or parent DOM element, and the scale paraments is not 1.
transform: 1.5;
some of the problems caused by this bug
mouse click event can not pick graphics or model.
mouse wheel event zoom in/out map not keep mouse position.
mouse drag event panning the map doesn't feel right at the panning distance.