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Django 3 semi-stable
To document changes necessary to upgrade the OSF to Django 3.
- updated requirements.txt √
- squashed migrations √
- updated django-include √
- fixed misc bugs √
The Django-include branch being used is here: https://github.com/Johnetordoff/django-include/tree/django-3
[x] Bonus: File Schema population (unit tests uses datacite): removing them from migration and added as fixtures in tests https://github.com/CenterForOpenScience/osf.io/pull/9994/files
[x] 2) core.urlresolvers → urls https://github.com/CenterForOpenScience/osf.io/pull/9983
[x] 10) Django Reset Password - Update View https://github.com/CenterForOpenScience/osf.io/pull/9985
[ ] 3) No Direct assignment of Many-to-Many https://github.com/CenterForOpenScience/osf.io/pull/10010
[x] 9) Markdown - extension upgrade https://github.com/CenterForOpenScience/osf.io/pull/9984
[ ] 14) CachedProperty bug for storage region change location https://github.com/CenterForOpenScience/osf.io/pull/10012
[x] 8) Django Debug toolbar - namespace problem https://github.com/CenterForOpenScience/osf.io/pull/9987
[ ] 1) Django 3 - Cors Problems https://github.com/CenterForOpenScience/osf.io/pull/9982 https://pypi.org/project/django-cors-headers/
[ ] 15) django.contrib.postgres.fields.jsonb → django.db.models.JSONField
[ ] 7) restframework.fields.BooleanField.TRUE_VALUES and error messages change
[ ] 12) Mysterious Session Problems
[ ] 13) Permissions Overwrite problems
[ ] 4) NullBooleanField (warning)