osf.io icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
osf.io copied to clipboard

Facilitating Open Science


The code for https://osf.io.

  • master Build Status
  • develop Build Status
  • Versioning Scheme: CalVer Scheme
  • Issues: https://github.com/CenterForOpenScience/osf.io/issues?state=open
  • COS Development Docs: http://cosdev.readthedocs.org/

Running the OSF For Development

To run the OSF for local development, see README-docker-compose.md.

Optional, but recommended: To set up pre-commit hooks (will run formatters and linters on staged files):

pip install pre-commit

pre-commit install --allow-missing-config

More Resources

The COS Development Docs provide detailed information about all aspects of OSF development. This includes style guides, process docs, troubleshooting, and more.