unrpyc copied to clipboard
After decompiled .rpy files, the game crashed.
game version: Python 2.7 unrpyc version: 1.3.1 erroor log:
Thu May 09 12:32:57 2024
Bootstrap to the start of init.init took 0.05s
Early init took 0.00s
Loader init took 0.04s
Loading error handling took 0.02s
Loading script took 2.44s
Loading persistent took 0.00s
File "game/actors/adia/composite.rpy", line 1: Could not find user-defined statement at runtime.
init define composite adia:
File "game/actors/anze/composite.rpy", line 1: Could not find user-defined statement at runtime.
init define composite anze:
File "game/actors/diita b9/composite.rpy", line 1: Could not find user-defined statement at runtime.
init define composite diita b9:
relatied game code:
init define composite adia:
path pick_actor_path("actors/adia", "actors-half/adia")
pos (0.5, 1.0)
anchor (766./1585., 2345./3225.)
zoom scale_sprite_zoom(0.324)
position body
position fa:
pos scale_sprite_offset(574, 153)
position fb:
pos scale_sprite_offset(574, 153)
position fc:
pos scale_sprite_offset(574, 153)
position etc:
pos scale_sprite_offset(574, 153)
init python:
side_actor_ypos['adia'] = 0.5
investigation.call_actor_ypos['adia'] = 0.12
# Decompiled by unrpyc: https://github.com/CensoredUsername/unrpyc
Dear Sirs,
was that implemented at some point? Would you suggest on using terminus instead of rapclust? Thanks