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The Big Data Update Tracker
This is the issue for tracking updates to all data files.
Solar System
Check each object when its data, model (if any), and texture(s) (if any) have all been updated. I've made some suggestions for additional minor bodies to add to the default data files.
- [x] Mercury
- [x] Venus
- [x] Earth
- [x] Moon
- [x] Mars
- [x] Phobos
- [x] Deimos
- [x] Jupiter
- [x] Io
- [x] Europa
- [x] Ganymede
- [x] Callisto
- [x] Saturn
- [x] Mimas
- [x] Enceladus
- [x] Tethys
- [x] Dione
- [ ] Rhea
- [x] Titan
- [x] Hyperion
- [ ] Iapetus
- [x] Phoebe
- [x] Uranus
- [ ] Miranda
- [ ] Ariel
- [ ] Umbriel
- [ ] Titania
- [ ] Oberon
- [x] Neptune
- [x] Proteus
- [x] Triton
- [x] Nereid
I'm not sure this should really be a separate file - maybe dwarf planets should remain in asteroids.ssc and outersys.ssc, like in Project Echoes.
- [x] Ceres
- [x] Pluto
- [x] Charon
- [x] Styx
- [ ] Nix
- [x] Kerberos
- [x] Hydra
- [x] Haumea
- [x] Namaka
- [x] Hi'iaka
- [x] Makemake
- [x] S/2015 (136472) 1
- [x] Eris
- [x] Dysnomia
- [x] 2 Pallas
- [x] 3 Juno
- [x] 4 Vesta
- [x] 7 Iris (add)
- [x] 10 Hygiea (add)
- [x] 16 Psyche (add)
- [ ] 21 Lutetia (add)
- [x] 45 Eugenia & 2 moons (add)
- [x] 87 Sylvia & 2 moons (add)
- [x] 130 Elektra & 3 moons (add)
- [x] 216 Kleopatra
- [x] Cleoselene (add)
- [x] Alexhelios (add)
- [ ] 243 Ida
- [ ] Dactyl
- [ ] 253 Mathilde (add)
- [ ] 433 Eros
- [ ] 617 Patroclus & Menoetius (add)
- [x] 704 Interamnia (add)
- [ ] 951 Gaspra
- [x] 1252 Celestia (add)
- [ ] 1620 Geographos
- [ ] 2063 Bacchus
- [ ] 2867 Steins (add)
- [ ] 4179 Toutatis
- [ ] 4769 Castalia
- [ ] 5535 Annefrank (add)
- [ ] 6489 Golevka
- [ ] 9969 Braille (add)
- [ ] 25143 Itokawa
- [ ] 65803 Didymos & Dimorphos (add)
- [ ] 66391 Moshup & Squannit (add)
- [ ] 99942 Apophis (add)
- [ ] 101955 Bennu (add)
- [ ] 152830 Dinkinesh & Selam (add)
- [ ] (153591) 2001 SN263 & 2 moons (add)
- [ ] 162173 Ryugu (add)
- [ ] 1998 KY26
- [x] 2060 Chiron (move from asteroids.ssc)
- [x] 10199 Chariklo (add)
- [x] 15760 Albion (add)
- [x] 19521 Chaos (add)
- [x] 20000 Varuna
- [x] 28978 Ixion
- [x] 38628 Huya & moon (add)
- [x] 47171 Lempo, Hiisi, & Paha (add)
- [x] 50000 Quaoar
- [x] Weywot (add)
- [x] (55565) 2002 AW197
- [ ] (55637) 2002 UX25 & moon (add)
- [x] 90377 Sedna
- [x] 90482 Orcus
- [x] Vanth (add)
- [x] 120347 Salacia & Actaea (add)
- [x] 174567 Varda & Ilmarë (add)
- [x] (208996) 2003 AZ84 (add)
- [x] 225088 Gonggong & Xiangliu (add)
- [x] 229762 Gǃkúnǁʼhòmdímà & Gǃòʼé ǃHú (add)
- [x] (307261) 2002 MS4 (add)
- [x] 471143 Dziewanna (add)
- [x] 486958 Arrokoth (add)
- [x] (532037) 2013 FY27 & moon (add)
- [x] (612911) 2004 XR190
- [ ] 1P/Halley
- [ ] 2P/Encke (add)
- [ ] 9P/Tempel (add)
- [ ] 19P/Borrelly
- [ ] 21P/Giacobini-Zinner (add)
- [ ] 26P/Grigg-Skjellerup (add)
- [ ] 46P/Wirtanen (add)
- [ ] 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko (add)
- [ ] 81P/Wild (add)
- [ ] 103P/Hartley (add)
- [ ] 153P/Ikeya-Zhang
- [ ] C/1995 O1 Hale-Bopp
I'd suggest merging numberedmoons.ssc into minormoons.ssc. I'm not listing every single minor moon since there are so many - this file should include all planetary satellites not listed under the solarsys.ssc heading (yes, that does imply some moons being moved from solarsys.ssc).
- [x] Jupiter's moons
- [x] Saturn's moons
- [x] Uranus' moons
- [x] Neptune's moons
- [x] Update merc_locs.ssc
- [x] Update venus_locs.ssc
- [x] earth_locs.ssc (obviously doesn't need an update)
- [x] Update moon_locs.ssc
- [x] Update mars_locs.ssc
- [x] Update marsmoons_locs.ssc
- [x] Update jupitermoons_locs.ssc
- [x] Update saturnmoons_locs.ssc
- [x] Update uranusmoons_locs.ssc
- [x] Update neptunemoons_locs.ssc
- [ ] Update ring_locs.ssc
- [ ] Update world-capitals.ssc
- [x] Add plutocharon_locs.ssc
- [x] Add ceres_locs.ssc
- [x] Update eros_locs.ssc
- [x] Update gaspra_locs.ssc
- [x] Update ida_locs.ssc
- [x] Update itokawa_locs.ssc
- [ ] Add bennu_locs.ssc
- [ ] Add lutetia_locs.ssc
- [ ] Add mathilde_locs.ssc
- [ ] Add ryugu_locs.ssc
- [ ] Add steins_locs.ssc
- [x] Add vesta_locs.ssc
Interstellar objects
- [x] Add interstellar objects in extras-standard (1I/'Oumuamua and 2I/Borisov)
- [x] Update the main star database (stars.dat, hdxindex.dat, saoxindex.dat)
- [x] Update starnames.dat
- [ ] Possibly add more cross-index files
- [x] Update revised.stc
- [x] Update nearstars.stc
- [ ] Update the binary star catalog
- [ ] Replace charm2.stc with jsdc.stc
- [x] Add a pulsar catalog
- [x] Update star textures
- [x] Update the exoplanet catalog
- [x] Update exoplanet textures
- [ ] Update galaxies.dsc
- [x] Update globulars.dsc
- [x] Add openclusters.dsc
Spacecraft (extras-standard)
- [x] Apollo 11
- [x] Cassini
- [x] Friendship 7
- [x] Galileo
- [x] Gemini
- [x] Hubble
- [x] ISS
- [x] Mars Odyssey
- [x] MGS
- [x] Mir
- [x] Skylab
- [ ] more?
Wow, that's a lot of stuff, and probably more I missed...
Maybe the Projects function could be used for this?
Projects is like releases, personally i don't see how to split this into projects.