I was thinking of doing smth simular. But now I just added one more ressource and i load the external events into it and drag it from there. Anyway, I...
function eventDialogEvent_OK() { var fromTime = _element_Dialog_EventEditor_TimeFrom.value.split( ":" ), toTime = _element_Dialog_EventEditor_TimeTo.value.split( ":" ), title = trimString( _element_Dialog_EventEditor_Title.value ), url = trimString( _element_Dialog_EventEditor_Url.value ); if ( fromTime.length < 2 )...
First this line keeps me wondering: var onYesEvent = function() { var newFromDate = new Date( _element_Dialog_EventEditor_ShowEditingRepeatSeriesWarningDate ), //What kind of date is this? by debugging it shows like 11/01/23...
_element_Dialog_EventEditor_ShowEditingRepeatSeriesWarningDate seems not to work for every click, sometime it gets a wrong date