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unboxing scope_let and scope_body in dcalc
Currently in dcalc, we have an anotation on each scope let biding indicating what kind is it. This was required for the compilation without exceptions (#158) since some but not all of the let in could raise empty errors. We hence have something in the form :
type scope_let_kind =
| DestructuringInputStruct
| ScopeVarDefinition
| SubScopeVarDefinition
| CallingSubScope
| DestructuringSubScopeResults
| Assertion
type scope_let = {
scope_let_var : expr Bindlib.var Pos.marked;
scope_let_kind : scope_let_kind;
scope_let_typ : typ Pos.marked;
scope_let_expr : expr Pos.marked;
type scope_body = {
scope_body_lets : scope_let list;
scope_body_result : expr Pos.marked;
(* {x1 = x1; x2 = x2; x3 = x3; ... } *)
scope_body_arg : expr Bindlib.var;
(* x: input_struct *)
scope_body_input_struct : StructName.t;
scope_body_output_struct : StructName.t;
However, this form contains expr
and expr Bindlib.var
at some places, making it hard to match on the expressions.
The idea of this change is to have an other representation of scope_let and scope_body using Bindlib.binder.
type scope_lets =
| Result of D.expr Pos.marked
| ScopeLet of {
scope_let_kind : D.scope_let_kind;
scope_let_typ : D.typ Pos.marked;
scope_let_expr : D.expr Pos.marked;
scope_let_next : (D.expr, scope_lets) Bindlib.binder;
scope_let_pos : Pos.t;
type scope_body = {
scope_body_input_struct : D.StructName.t;
scope_body_output_struct : D.StructName.t;
scope_body_result : (D.expr, scope_lets) Bindlib.binder;
This is used inside the of #158 and it is possible to convert to
let translate_and_bind_lets (acc : scope_lets (scope_let : D.scope_let) :
scope_lets =
let pos = snd scope_let.D.scope_let_var in
let binder = Bindlib.bind_var (fst scope_let.D.scope_let_var) acc in
(fun expr binder ->
scope_let_kind = scope_let.D.scope_let_kind;
scope_let_typ = scope_let.D.scope_let_typ;
scope_let_expr = expr;
scope_let_next = binder;
scope_let_pos = pos;
scope_let.D.scope_let_expr binder
let translate_and_bind (body : D.scope_body) : scope_body =
let body_result =
ListLabels.fold_right body.D.scope_body_lets
~init:(Bindlib.box_apply (fun e -> Result e) body.D.scope_body_result)
~f:(Fun.flip translate_and_bind_lets)
(fun scope_body_result ->
scope_body_output_struct = body.D.scope_body_output_struct;
scope_body_input_struct = body.D.scope_body_input_struct;
To make this change, we need to update code that uses this form
- [ ] make the actual change
- [ ] update the build_whole_term function
- [ ] update dcalc/optimizer
- [ ] update the proof platform
Hasn't ths been done already ? The structure is not the one proposed exactly, but uses binders in the current AST