client icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
client copied to clipboard

Client software primarily used with the CasparCG Server software for audio and video playout, to control graphics and recording, but it can also be used for other tasks within television broadcast.

Results 111 client issues
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The text in the Playout Command Inspector drop down is compared with the list of commands held in src/Common/Playout.cpp. The dropdown text does not match the reference text in Playout.cpp...

When I try to connect to out ATEM Constellation switcher via the client interface and click on "test connection" the client just shuts down. If I actually add the mixer...

Expanded the section on building under Linux by adding instructions what additional steps may be required to build and not get any variable undefined errors as well as not getting...

With reference to this conversation, I believe I found a bug: /control/preview doesn't load the item, but pressing F8 on keyboard does. Thank you in advance

If i try to send a OSC Output to Companion or any other software, the client closes. Just everytime. Using CasparCG Client 2.2.0 Rev. 1bca33bf80

Hi, first of all thank you for an amazing program. I installed it this week and so far it has been a blast, with the exception for documentation: - Yesterday,...


Solid Color commands from Client to server do not translate correctly. White and black do not work. Other colors works mostly. Exampple color 241, 0, 4, Alpaha 255 sends command...


Hello, when I run the client using `-r` parameter, the rundown is loaded but the clip in the rundown has _Server_ and _Target_ output fields blank, which makes it impossible...


The title says it all. Group something. Delete the stuff inside the group. Try to drag something new in > Impossible.

When i am building project. i am getting following error. ![image]( Please help in resolving.