MaskRcnn_tensorflow_cpp_inference copied to clipboard
2 errors happened in compile with vs2015
I have two errors when I compiled the prj with vs2015 like this, most problem is the function get_anchors, I do not know how to fix it,please help me, thanks:
d:\tools\tensorflow-win\tensorflow\bazel-tensorflow\external\eigen_archive\unsupported\eigen\cxx11\src/Tensor/TensorExecutor.h(143): error C2440: “
1>d:\tools\tensorflow-win\tensorflow\bazel-tensorflow\external\eigen_archive\unsupported\eigen\cxx11\src/Tensor/TensorExecutor.h(144): error C2661:
i think It's eigen's version can try the library which comes with eigen lib.
@CasonTsai thank you so much for your reply!! I build the tensorflow.dll myself from branch 1.13, and I find it cause by this line: inputAnchorsTensor_temp.chip(i, 1) = eachrow; //通finalBox_norm矩阵构建Eigen::tensor类型的inputAnchorsTensor_temp Eigen::Tensor<float,3>inputAnchorsTensor_temp(1,finalBox_norm.rows(),finalBox_norm.cols()); for(int i=0;i<finalBox_norm.rows();i++){
inputAnchorsTensor_temp.chip(i, 1) = eachrow;
but it seems all right, and I do not know why, most probably like your reply, thanks again~~~