jquery-loading copied to clipboard
Bad position
When use loading, and the origin element is modified, the loading layer still in the position, showing in bad position.
Waiting a fix too... You have any fix for this ?
Not I dont have fix, I only use global loading to avoid this.
I just create a function for create new loading for a div, passing the id of the div, and when i will 'close' the loading, i use the "destroy" call. overlayMapping is a div for store all loading overlays. Can be in the end of page.
var _startLoading = function (item) {
var html = `
<div class="custom-overlay" id="idOverlay${item.replace("#", "")}">
<div class="loading-spinner-container">
<div class="lds-ring"><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div></div>
var el = $(html).appendTo("#overlayMapping");
overlay: el
Is this the same as loading doesn't stick to element while scrolling? Open for 2 years? .... time to move on