Carlo Lucibello
Carlo Lucibello
```julia julia> x = [:a=>1, :b=>2] 2-element Vector{Pair{Symbol, Int64}}: :a => 1 :b => 2 # This is working as expected julia> gradient(x -> x[1].second, x) (Union{Nothing, NamedTuple{(:first, :second), Tuple{Nothing,...
While working at I hit a bug on Zygote master that I managed to reduce to the following ```julia julia> f(x) = reshape(x, fill(2, 2)...) f (generic function with...
The following exported methods don't have a docstring: - [ ] `pullback` - [ ] `pushforward` - [ ] `@code_adjoint`
I would expect the gradient of a dictionary to behave like the gradient of a named tuple and contain all of the keys of the original object. For the dict...
Trying to fix #1293 With respect to master the case ```julia gradient(2) do c d = Dict([i => i*c for i=1:3]) return d[1] end ``` is now fixed, but I...
As proposed in and implemented in we can switch the `functor` semantics from opt-in to opt-out, and eliminate an obscure piece of magic from users' code. Should we... should be reworded on the line of
On latest Flux with CUDA.jl v4.0 we have the following regression where gradients are wrong for model on gpu containing BatchNorm layers: ```julia using Flux, FiniteDifferences, Test d, n =...
A convenience method that avoids the onehot transformation of the labels. Pytorch supports this [as well]( Performance seems to be approximately the same on both CPU and GPU: ```julia using...