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Any chance for Oculus Quest version?
This would be great
considering the quest's hardware and the performances of dolphin on android, i would say very unlikely. however you can play dolphinVR on the quest through ALVR, i made a tutorial on how to set it up if you're interested
Lucaspec72, I'm trying to link AVR and DOLPHIN VR, but I can't connect the controllers, if you have a way to configure it, I wouldn't mind learning it :)
Lucaspec72, I'm trying to link AVR and DOLPHIN VR, but I can't connect the controllers, if you have a way to configure it, I wouldn't mind learning it :)
unfortunately, i never managed to get the controllers to work, so i use the same input devices as regular dolphin. (for GCN, i either use a standard controller or a GCN controller via a usb adapter, and for wii... well i don't play wii games in vr much, but i'd use Wii controllers with the dolphinbar.)
Lucaspec72, I apologize for the offtop. I wanted to ask if there is any discord channel or forum where you can search for game settings for vr mode. For example, in all parts of NFS for GameCube, there is a problem that a picture from the camera is drawn together with the hud.
you can try the r/DolphinVRcullin subreddit, there's a bunch of useful tips and cullin codes for dolphinVR.