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Data pipeline automation tool
Data pipeline automation framework.
- Introduction
- Prerequesites and Dependencies
Concepts and Architecture
- tables.yml
- env.yml
- Pipeline-template
- Pipeline-config
- Pipeline
- pipewrench-merge
- Workflow Orchestration with Make
- sqoop-parquet-hdfs-kudu-impala
- sqoop-parquet-hdfs-impala
Getting Started
- Installation
- Generating a Pipeline
- Generating Config
- Running Scripts
- Running Scripts for All Tables
Configuring and Extending Pipewrench
- Creating Templates
- Importing templates
- Mapping datatypes
- Validating Configuration Schemas
- Using the Logging Script - run-with-logging.sh
- Testing
Pipewrench is framework that generates, deploys, and orchestrates data pipelines. Pipewrench will generate text config to ingest multiple tables from a single configuration and a set of templates.
Pipewrench is designed to be flexible. Exsiting pipelines are designed to be easily modified and new configuration can be added by creating new templates.
Example pipelines are located in the templates directory and new pipelines can be created by users.
When Pipewrench is run, its inputs are a tables.yml (config), env.yml (environment), and templates. The output is bash scripts and text config (for example: Impala DDL, sqoop scripts, Kafka Connector json configuration, or Avro schemas).
Prerequesites and Dependencies
Pipewrench runs on Unix systems and uses these technologies:
- Python 2.7+: The main transformation logic uses python per project
- Yaml: Yaml is a human friendly data serialization language used for defining configuration. Tutorial)
Jinja2: is a templating language for defining configuration files with variables
that can be populated by values from the
- Make: Make is a build tool but due to it's dependency based model it is a great tool for creating, removing, and orchestration data pipelines. Tutorial
- Bash: bash scripts are used to automate workflows
Concepts and Architecture
Pipewrench creates and executes pipelines based off of a global yaml configuration file (tables.yml
). The
tables.yml file defines source database, tables, columns, and datatypes.
See here for an example tables.yml with documentation
The tables.yml file itself is a jinja template. Variables from the env.yml file are automatically added to the tables.yml file before any configuration is generated. See an example env.yml here
A pipeline is a directory of templates. When Pipewrench is executed with a pipeline-template directory and tables.yml, it will output a pipeline.
A pipeline-confing is is set of configuration files that can be applied to create data pipelines. It is the result of running the pipewrench-merge.
pipewrench-merge --conf=tables.yml \
--debug_level DEBUG \
--env=env.yml \
A pipeline is a running instance of a pipeline-config.
is a cli application that takes the env.yml
, tables.yml
, and a templates
to create pipeline configuration.
Workflow Orchestration with Make
GNU Make uses a dependency based computation model that allows an engineer to define a task such that the task won't be run until all of its dependencies have been satisified. Make is used vi a Makefile defined in the root of a pipeline.
If a pipeline requires that data be inserted into Kudu. Dependencies are defined for the insert, so that Make can ensure that the the Kudu table is created before the data is pulled in from the database.
The sqoop-parquet-hdfs-kudu-impala pipleline will use Sqoop job to pull data from a relational database into Parquet, then insert that data into Kudu.
See the documenation for the sqoop-parquet-hdfs-kudu-impala pipeline here
The sqoop-parquet-hdfs-impala pipleline will use Sqoop job to pull data from a relational database into Parquet
See the documenation for the sqoop-parquet-hdfs-impala pipeline here
Getting Started
Install Pipewrench, its dependencies, and the pipewrench-merge
$ python setup.py install
now the pipewrench-merge
command will be available on your $PATH
Generating a Pipeline
Example project scripts are located in the examples
directory. Each example will have a slightly different
yaml requirements. All examples include the following files:
- tables.yml: an example project configuration file. Databases and tables will be defined here
- env.yml: an environment yaml file.
- generate-scripts: a helper script to build config with the
The pipeline will be generated from the ./templates
directory. It is is further divided into 'pipelines'.
Here one pipeline is defined called 'sqoop-parquet-hdfs-kudu-impala'
$ ls templates/
Generating Config
Generating scripts will apply the configuration to the templates in a pipeline, giving executable configuration such as Impala DDL, helper Bash scripts, or Streamsets pipelines in JSON.
Generate scripts using the generate-scripts
$ cd project-scripts
$ ./generate-scripts
Running pipewrench-merge
from the examples
directory manually would look like:
pipewrench-merge --conf=tables.yml \
--debug_level DEBUG \
--env=env.yml \
Now you should see files created in the output
$ ls output/sqoop-parquet-hdfs-kudu-impala/first_imported_table
Makefile kudu-table-count.sql kudu-table-drop.sql parquet-table-create.sql sqoop-create.sh sqoop-exec.sh
hdfs-delete.sh kudu-table-create.sql kudu-table-insert.sql parquet-table-drop.sql sqoop-delete.sh test.sh
The 'sqoop-parquet-hdfs-kudu-impala' pipeline has been created for one table 'first_imported_table'.
Running Scripts
The scripts can be executed by themselves or using the included Makefile.
Use make help
to see all targets and documentation:
$ cd output/sqoop-parquet-hdfs-kudu-impala/first_imported_table
$ make help
sqoop-create: sqoop-create.sh ## Create Sqoop job
To see what a target does, run it with the -n
$ make -n first-run
sh sqoop-create.sh || true
cp sqoop-create.sh sqoop-create
sh sqoop-exec.sh
touch sqoop-exec
/bin/impala-shell -k --ssl -i impala-daemon.company.com -f parquet-table-create.sql
cp parquet-table-create.sql parquet-table
/bin/impala-shell -k --ssl -i impala-daemon.company.com -f kudu-table-create.sql
cp kudu-table-create.sql kudu-table
/bin/impala-shell -k --ssl -i impala-daemon.company.com -f kudu-table-insert.sql
rm sqoop-exec ## move kudu parquet to archive
Here is the dependency graph for make first-run
To run a target from another directory, include the file path:
make -n first-run -C output/sqoop-parquet-hdfs-kudu-impala/first_imported_table
Running Scripts for All Tables
The MasterMakefile in the project directory has two targets: first-run-all and update-all. To ingest all tables listed in tables.yml run first-run-all:
make first-run-all
To update all tables in tables.yml run update-all:
make update-all
Configuring and Extending Pipewrench
Creating Templates
Templates use the Jinja2 templating language. Any file put in a pipeline
directory (templates/<your-pipeline>
) will be rendered. All pipeline templates (that don't have the ".meta"
file extension) are called with a conf
variable and a table
variable corresponding to the tables.yml structure.
Templates with the ".meta" file extension are rendered separately. These templates are called with a conf
variable and a tables
variable. They are used to generate files that affect all tables, such as MasterMakefile. These files are stored in the project directory.
This example template creates a Parquet table through Impala::
USE {{ conf.staging_database.name }};
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {{ table.destination.name }}_parquet (
{% for column in table.columns %}
{{ column.name }} {{ map_datatypes(column).parquet }} COMMENT '{{ column.comment }}'
{%- if not loop.last -%}, {% endif %}
{%- endfor %})
LOCATION '{{ conf.staging_database.path }}/{{ table.destination.name }}';
Importing templates
Templates can be imported from another template directory by putting a relative path to another template in an 'imports' file.
This will import a shared sqoop template into a pipeline:
$ ../shared/sqoop-create.sh
Mapping datatypes
Version 2: map_datatypes_v2(column, storage_format)
Version 1 of the map_datatypes function does not specify precision and scale when mapping decimal data types. Version 2 fixes this by returning the string representation (ie DECIMAL(10,2), STRING, etc) of the mapped data type. storage_format
(kudu, impala, parquet, avro) is used to map the incoming database type with the format specified in the type-mapping.yml
Version 1 (deprecated): map_datatypes(column).format
Data type mappings from the source to destination database
Configuration properties
type_mapping: type-mapping.yml # Type mapping used for database type conversion
The mapping file will map source database types to destination types including Impala, Kudu, Parquet, Avro, or any other type.
For example, the contents of type-mapping.yml might look like:
kudu: bigint
impala: bigint
parquet: bigint
avro: long
kudu: bigint
impala: bigint
parquet: bigint
avro: long
kudu: double
impala: decimal
parquet: double
avro: double
kudu: string
impala: string
parquet: string
avro: string
The mapping function can be used in a template to get a Kudu dataype:
{{ map_datatypes(column).kudu }}
or an Avro datatype
{{ map_datatypes(column).avro }}
Validating Configuration Schemas
It is often desirable to validate a tables.yml
before actually creating a pipeline, both to catch errors before anything is run and to validate certain governance requirements are met.
The script validate_schmema.py
was created to ensure a configuration has the correct metadata for a table (load frequency, security classification, owner, contact info, source, column comments, etc.).
To run the script on an example configuration:
python scripts/validate_schema.py --conf examples/sqoop-parquet-hdfs-impala/tables.yml --env examples/sqoop-parquet-hdfs-impala/env.yml
The script will exit with a '0' code if there are no validation errors.
Output with validation errors will look like this:
META_SOURCE: [Missing data for required field.]
comment: [Missing data for required field.]
comment: [Missing data for required field.]
META_LOAD_FREQUENCY: [Missing data for required field.]
META_SECURITY_CLASSIFICATION: [Missing data for required field.]
Saying that the first table is missing the source database field and several comments, and the second table is missing the load frequency and security classification fields.
Using the Logging Script - run-with-logging.sh
creates a log directory in every table folder with a status log and complete log output
files are in the current date sub directory.
Run your command by passing it as a parameter to this script, example:
$ sh run-with-logging.sh <command>
Tests for pipelines are located in the template test
Individual template tests and template rendering tests can be run with the command
$ python -m pytest
All template tests can be run in the project root dir
$ make test-templates
Tests are helpful for working through template design, but integration tests with tools like Impala or Kafka should be run and will probably be more useful than just testing template output.
Render all example pipelines with
$ make test-render-templates
Run all tests
$ make test
Build RPM
$ yum install -y rpm-build
$ python setup.py bdist --formats=rpm