
Results 26 comments of CarbonPool

wsl2 is virtualized and shared, and I seem to be able to export my completed image for sharing. This is my current environment: #windows10: ·Version: windows10 insider preview 20279 ·Nvidia...

In addition, please install cuda correctly according to NVIDIA’s official solution. In wsl2, you don’t need to install additional drivers, just install cuda-toolkit-10-2. Before that, you may need to update...

> I had done the installation as intended with just the toolkit, but it wasn't working. Nothing I tried worked, so I gave up on it. > > I ended...

> I have an RTX 2070. Specifically the [Zotac Mini]( which has the 400-A1 chip and is limited to 200W, instead of the more powerful 400A-A1. > > As you...

I also completed the installation of dual systems. In this comparative test, I found that wsl2 has great potential. They have the same configuration. Here are some test information: (Non-standard...

> The best way is to train a 4x CUNet (noise_scale) directly, but currently waifu2x doesn't support 4x. I may not need a 4x model. A larger pixel image noise...

The original image text is not very clear, I think this is not the purpose of waifu2x.

![p2]( I further sharpened this original image under the cnet denoise level3 model. Compared with level2, the results are surprising. Could it be a problem with the program model? But...

I tried to use the fastNlMeansDenoisingColored function in opencv to reduce noise, using a stronger level, the same serious color band appeared