Captain P. Star
Captain P. Star
Small addition I forgot: In theory it would be possible to load new templates with a arma Extension live, from the internet, without updating escape. Which would be incredibly cool.
Per mod templates is definitly planned and will most likely be defined in the compiler config. I just need to come up with a good fallback system so we can...
If I read this correct, this will also remove matching drivers from cars like ambulance, police and repair and will randomly spawn them in other cars aswell. Not a huge...
Have you tried cycling the firemodes (default F key)? That works for me.
> this needs much more testing to make sure it doesn't introduce any other issues. That is the main reason I didn't added HC myself yet (albeit I experimented with...
Keep in mind that `_roadSegment = [getPosATL _vehicle, 2000] call BIS_fnc_nearestRoad; _roadSegments = roadsConnectedTo _roadsegment; _destinationSegment = selectRandom _roadSegments;` is a completly different logic as it only selects one road...
> My current plan is to define a reusable function that uses the combination of `BIS_fnc_findSafePos` and `BIS_fnc_nearestRoad` to search for suitable road segments (both for waypoints and spawning vehicles)...
You can use the original "" and change the config used at the beginning of the file. Also is only meant for final packing. For testing I recommend linking...
The script allows linking against different mods and terrains automatically. The only thing you need to supply is a working mission.sqm that matches the terrain (there you can use the...
Thank you for the report. Saving is not really supported as there are too many scripts that are not stateless and which will result in faulty execution after loading a...