co10_Escape copied to clipboard
SOGPF Prison guards spawn with compass, map and radio
The prison guards spawn with compass map and radio at the beginning when they normally don't in the other versions of the mission. IDK if this is only implemented on tanoa with the non CSAT guards but in the sogpf missions it makes the mission a little less fun to be handed the map and compass at the beginning.
the guards:
line 373 (remove map)
_x removeWeapon "vn_o_item_map";
line 418 (change the vehicle cargo):
_vehicle addItemCargoglobal ["vn_b_item_firstaidkit", 3];
line 567 (remove first aid from guards)
_unit setUnitRank "CAPTAIN"; _unit unlinkItem "vn_o_item_map"; _unit unlinkItem "vn_b_item_firstaidkit"; _unit unlinkItem "vn_b_item_compass"; _unit unlinkItem "ItemGPS";
Remove map other soldiers at low levels
functions\Spawning\fn_onEnemySoldierSpawn.sqf line 28
_unit removeItem "vn_o_item_map";
line 87 to 96:
if (random 100 > 20) then { //_unit additem "ItemMap"; //_unit assignItem "ItemMap"; _unit unlinkItem "vn_o_item_map"; }; if (random 100 > 30) then { //_unit additem "ItemCompass"; //_unit assignItem "ItemCompass"; _unit unlinkItem "vn_b_item_compass"; };
@NeoArmageddon changing these values actually fixed the issue I was having with the Linux not loading the mission correctly
Issues are fixed in this version:
Issues are fixed in this version:
Does this fix the find a map task in the mission flow script?
@lozanoeg The DEV version is missing A3E_MapItemsUsedInMission