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Okhsv color select for Svelte

Svelte Color Select

Okhsv Color Selection component for Svelte using OKLab perceptual colorspace.

Based on the work of Björn Ottosson and adapted to work as a Svelte component. See Okhsv and Okhsl - Two new color spaces for color picking for more information about Okhsv and Oklab.

Okhsv color select screenshot


Installing your package manager of choice:

pnpm i svelte-color-select

Import into your component and pass an { r, g, b } object to the rgb prop (with channels normalized 0–1):

<script lang="ts">
  import ColorSelect from 'svelte-color-select'

  let rgb: RGB = { r: 0.4, g: 0.2, b: 0.6 }

<ColorSelect bind:rgb />


The Oklab colorspace is supported by using a oklab prop instead of rgb:

<script lang="ts">
  import ColorSelect, { type Oklab } from 'svelte-color-select'

  let oklab: OKlab = { l: 0.44, a: 0.088, b: -0.134 }

<ColorSelect bind:oklab />


The Okhsv colorspace is supported by using a okhsv prop instead of rgb:

<script lang="ts">
  import ColorSelect, { type OKhsv } from 'svelte-color-select'

  let okhsv: OKhsv = { h: 303.37, s: 0.806, v: 0.608 }

<ColorSelect bind:okhsv />