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Redux HTMLElement Connector


Connect Redux to vanilla HTMLElement (or LitElement) instances, based on this gist by Kevin Schaaf.

Typescript friendly and Tiny: 371 bytes (minified and gzipped)


npm install --save @captaincodeman/redux-connect-element


Your WebComponents can be kept 'pure' with no reference to Redux which helps to make them easily testable and reusable. They should accept properties to set their state and raise events to communicate their internal state changes.

A great library for writing lightweight custom elements is lit-element. Here's a very simple example:

import { LitElement, property, html } from 'lit-element'

export class MyElement extends LitElement {
  static get is() { return 'my-element' }

  @property({ type: String })
  public name: string = 'unknown'

  onChange(e: Event) {
      new CustomEvent('name-changed', { 
        bubbles: true,
        composed: trye,

  render() {
    return html`
      <p>Hello ${}</p>
      <input type="text" .value=${} @input=${this.onChange}>

This is the class you would import into tests - you can feed it whatever data you want with no need to setup external dependencies (such as Redux).

The connection to Redux can now be defined separately by subclassing the element and providing mapping functions. These map the Redux State to the element properties (mapState) and the events to Redux Actions (mapEvents).

The mapState method can map properties directly or you can make use of the Reselect library to memoize more complex projections.

import { connect } from '@captaincodeman/redux-connect-element'
import { store, State } from './store'
import { MyElement } from './my-element'

export class MyConnectedElement extends connect(store, MyElement) {
  // mapState provides the mapping of state to element properties
  // this can be direct or via reselect memoized functions
  mapState(state: State) {
    return {
      // or using a reselecy selector:
      // name: NameSelector(state),

  // mapEvents provides the mapping of DOM events to redux actions
  // this can again be direct as shown below or using action creators
  mapEvents() {
    return {
      'name-changed': (e: NameChangedEvent) => ({
        type: 'CHANGE_NAME', 
        payload: { name: }
      // or, using an action creator:
      // 'name-changed': (e: NameChangedEvent) => changeNameAction(

Registering this element will make it 'connected' with it's properties kept in-sync with the Redux store and automatically re-rendered when they change. Mapped events are automatically dispatched to the store to mutate the state within Redux.

import { MyElementConnected } from './my-element-connected'

customElements.define(, MyElementConnected)

Of course if you prefer, you can include the connect mixin with the mapping functions directly in the element - having the split is entirely optional and down to personal style and application architecture.

I prefer to have a separate project for an apps elements which are pure UI components that have state set by properties and communicate with events. The app then consumes these building-block elements and uses connected views to connect the UI to the Redux state store.


If upgrading from v1, note that the mapping functions have been renamed and simplified.

State Mapping

Instead of:

_mapStateToProps = (state: State) => ({
  name: NameSelector(state)


mapState(state: State) {
  return {
    name: NameSelector(state),


mapState = (state: State) => ({
  name: NameSelector(state),

Event Mapping

Instead of:

_mapEventsToActions = () => ({
  'name-changed': (e: NameChangedEvent) => changeNameAction(


_mapDispatchToEvents = (dispatch: Dispatch) => ({
  'name-changed': (e: NameChangedEvent) => dispatch(changeNameAction(


mapEvents() {
  return {
    'name-changed': (e: NameChangedEvent) => changeNameAction(


mapEvents = () => ({
  'name-changed': (e: NameChangedEvent) => changeNameAction(