angular-cart-demo icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
angular-cart-demo copied to clipboard

Example shopping cart application using MEAN stack (Mongo/ExpressJS/Angular/NodeJS)


Status Code Climate Test Coverage

Example shopping cart application using AngularJS / ExpressJS / MongoDB / NodeJS.

Getting Started


  • Git
  • Node.js and npm Node ^4.2.3, npm ^2.14.7
  • Bower (npm install --global bower)
  • Ruby and then gem install sass
  • Grunt (npm install --global grunt-cli)
  • MongoDB - Keep a running daemon with mongod


  1. Run npm install to install server dependencies.

  2. Run bower install to install front-end dependencies.

  3. Run mongod in a separate shell to keep an instance of the MongoDB Daemon running

  4. Run grunt serve to start the development server. It should automatically open the client in your browser when ready.

Build & development

Run grunt build for building and grunt serve for preview.


Running npm test will run the unit tests with karma.


Running npm run coverage-report will run the unit tests generating coverage report.