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Webview and Ionic Communication
Hello, is there any way to capture a message from the webview?
In React Native, I can do something like the code below, but I couldn't find a solution for this in your library.
const INJECTED_JAVASCRIPT = `(function() {
window.ReactNativeWebView.postMessage(JSON.stringify({key : "value"}));
source={{ uri: '' }}
onMessage={(event) => {
const data = JSON.parse(;
This plugin doesn't know how to work with postMessage
Here is a similar issue
This could be done pretty fast. You can support it here:
A workaround that I developed in cordova webview was reading local storage. Now I preferred using directly a websocket (using pusher)
Hello, I needed the feature for my last project, so I made it in 6.4.3
You can now post messages from inappbrowser like that:
window.mobileApp.postMessage({ "detail": { "message": "myMessage" } })
And listen to it from the Capacitor webview with
InAppBrowser.addListener('messageFromWebview', (event) => {
console.log('messageFromWebview', event)
Both ways were implemented. To do the reverse from Capacitor webview
detail: {
status: 'ok4',
And listen in the inappbrowser:
window.addEventListener('messageFromNative', (event: CustomEvent) => {
const message = event.detail
console.log('Received message from native:', message)
// Handle the message here
// For example, you could update some state or trigger an action
This seems not to work, I get window."mobileApp" undefined inside browser page... Using v6.6.8
@riderx any breaking changes here ?
EDIT: it is working on iOS device but not on Android