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process_result_value callback for column type is not handled
I need TypeDecorator for my data column, it is handled by SQLAlchemy + psycopg2 correctly. Is it possible to make it work with asyncpgsa?
import asyncio
from datetime import datetime
from asyncpgsa import PG
from pytz import timezone
from sqlalchemy import (
Column, DateTime, Integer, MetaData, Table, TypeDecorator, create_engine
DB_URL = 'postgresql://user:[email protected]/db'
class DateTime_(TypeDecorator):
impl = DateTime
def __init__(self):
TypeDecorator.__init__(self, timezone=True)
def process_bind_param(self, value, dialect):
if value is not None:
return datetime.fromtimestamp(value, timezone('UTC'))
def process_result_value(self, value, dialect):
return int(value.timestamp())
metadata = MetaData()
example_table = Table('example', metadata,
Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
Column('some_date', DateTime_))
engine = create_engine(DB_URL)
# Create table & add row
'some_date': int(
# psycopg2 with sqlalchemy handles process_result_value correctly
rows = engine.execute(
assert isinstance(rows[0]['some_date'], int)
# asyncpgsa does not handle process_result_value callback
async def main():
db = PG()
await db.init(DB_URL)
rows = await db.fetch(
assert isinstance(rows[0]['some_date'], datetime) # True
assert isinstance(rows[0]['some_date'], int) # False!
Perhaps such callbacks should be called in SAConnection.execute
This sounds awesome. It sounds doable. I dont have much time to work in this currently. Would you be willing to start a pull request with the changes? Would be happy to guide you in the right direction if needed.