camerakit-ios copied to clipboard
Library for iOS Camera API. Massively increase performance and ease of use within your next iOS Project.
CameraKit helps you add reliable camera to your app quickly. Our open source camera platform provides consistent capture results, service that scales, and endless camera possibilities.
With CameraKit you are able to effortlessly do the following:
- ✅ Ability to extend and create custom sessions.
- ✅ Image and video capture seamlessly working with the same preview session.
- ✅ Automatic system permission handling.
- ✅ Automatic preview scaling.
- ✅ Automatic preview/image/video output orientation handling.
- 📷 Ability to set a custom resolution for capturing photos.
- 📹 Ability to set resolution/frame rate for capturing videos.
- 👱 Built-in face detection.
- 📐 Built-in overlay grid.
- 👆 Built-in tap to focus.
- 🔍 Built-in pinch to zoom.
- 📸 Built-in flash toggle for both photos and videos.
- 🤳 Built-in camera position toggle.
- 🖥 Objective-C compatible.
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If you want to test out the demo app first you can clone this repo to your local disk:
git clone
and then navigate to camerakit-ios
and open the CameraKit.xcworkspace
file with Xcode. Near the run button select the CameraKitDemo
scheme, resolve the signing conflicts using your Apple account and then run it on a real device. You cannot do much on a simulator, since we need an actual camera hardware.
If you don't have Cocoapods already installed you can install it by running the code below in a terminal:
sudo gem install cocoapods
If you don't have any Podfile
pod init
Then open the Podfile
file in your project and add this line to your app target:
pod CameraKit-iOS
and it will automatically create a Podfile
and integrate the pods into the project by creating a separate .xcworkspace
file. You will open this file in Xcode from now on.
If you don't have Carthage installed run:
brew install carthage
Then create a Cartfile
and add the following line:
github "CameraKit/camerakit-ios"
Before adding our camera related code, make sure you include the permissions needed for your code to work in the app project Info.plist
<!-- Required for photos and videos -->
<!-- Optional for photos -->
<!-- Optional for the demo app to copy the photos/videos to your photo library -->
Below is a quick start code sample with session + live camera preview:
import CameraKit
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Init a photo capture session
let session = CKFPhotoSession()
// Use CKFVideoSession for video capture
// let session = CKFVideoSession()
let previewView = CKFPreviewView(frame: self.view.bounds)
previewView.session = session
For capturing a image using the CKFPhotoSession
class use this code below:
session.capture({ (image, settings) in
// TODO: Add your code here
}) { (error) in
// TODO: Handle error
If you want to record a video using the CKFVideoSession
class use this code below to start the recording:
// You can also specify a custom url for where to save the video file
session.record(url: URL(string: ""), { (url) in
// TODO: Add your code here
}) { (error) in
// TODO: Handle error
and end the recording:
// You can also specify a custom url for where to save the video file
You can get the current record status via the isRecording
property to determine if a recording is in progress or not.
Session properties and methods
CKFPhotoSession | CKFVideoSession |
zoom: Double |
zoom: Double |
resolution: CGSize |
isRecording: Bool |
cameraPosition: CameraPosition |
cameraPosition: CameraPosition |
cameraDetection: CameraDetection |
flashMode: FlashMode |
flashMode: FlashMode |
start() |
start() |
stop() |
stop() |
togglePosition() |
focus(at point: CGPoint) |
setWidth(_ width: Int, height: Int, frameRate: Int) |
togglePosition() |
record(url: URL? = nil, _ callback: @escaping (URL) -> Void, error: @escaping (Error) -> Void) |
capture(_ callback: @escaping (UIImage, AVCaptureResolvedPhotoSettings) -> Void, _ error: @escaping (Error) -> Void) |
stopRecording() |
Import into Objective-C projects
Go to Project Settings
, Build Settings
, Always Embed Swift Standard Libraries
and set the value to Yes
Then import the CameraKit framework using:
@import CameraKit;
Creating custom sessions
CameraKit can be splitted into 2 main pieces: preview and sessions. The sessions are made by extending the base CKFSession
class. If you want a custom session you can extend the CKFSession
class and use its static helpers to initialize yours. Or you can also extend the built-in sessions and add custom logic.
class MyCustomSession: CKFSession {
public override init() {
do {
let deviceInput = try CKFSession.captureDeviceInput(type: .backCamera)
} catch let error {
// TODO: Add your code here
CameraKit is released under the MIT License.